So I am gonna be tryin acid for the first time


Well-Known Member
I would suggest having a whole day to yourself, and not do it with any parentals/authority of any kind around. P.s. you might want to do it with a friend, if you are inexperienced which it sounds like you are if you are asking about it, then you should invest in either having a sitting or a tripper,... or better yet both! And definitely go outside and take a nice long walk/look at nature


Well-Known Member
I would have a friend with you for sure. Just make sure that it is a good friend and not one that will try to mess with you the whole time.


Well-Known Member

Only tips is to go with whatever and wherever the trip takes you. Never try "control" situations.

Oh and DJsmooth is right listen to some floyd for sure.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I'll pass along some good stuff a wise friend told me before I first did acid.

When you are tripping, always remember one thing: You did acid.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
"When you are tripping, always remember one thing: You did acid."

best advice iv heard man....and i speak from countless experiences!!!


i would say to find a friend (sitter) just to help you mentally if need be. also be in a good setting with a positive mentality and like other guy said, remember that you ate acid. and lastly... enjoy your brief period of insanity.

mr thc

Well-Known Member
Like everyone else said, have a sitter..people can die their first time around not knowing what to do. LSD is dangerous shit, keep that in mind.


Active Member
Like everyone else said, have a sitter..people can die their first time around not knowing what to do. LSD is dangerous shit, keep that in mind.
Don't scare him... lol asshole. Heres the thing, doing acid won't make you die. Watch Across the universe on it. And just remember, the thing about acid is you're on it.


Don't scare him... lol asshole. Heres the thing, doing acid won't make you die. Watch Across the universe on it. And just remember, the thing about acid is you're on it.
yeah, forgetting you are on acid is freaky. the first time i did acid was at jazzfest, i was walking around for about twenty minutes wondering why the hell i couldnt wipe that massive smile off my face.... then a girl bumped into me and i saw her sitting indian style in the palm of my hand and remembered, "oh shit, im tripping!"


Well-Known Member
have a sitter

good music while you're inside. (john butler trio is surprisingly good)

don't just sit around the WHOLE trip unless you just cannot handle going outside. I love taking walks tripping. not anywhere real public, but around the block or something. its nice to connect with nature some.

If you get freaked out about who you are or anything, trust your nervous system.