2011 Outdoor Tree of Life Throwdown

Outside eh?

I used to grow in dirt. Still do but on a smaller scale.

These girls here were trimmed three times. Three feet each time.

Would'a been over thirty feet.

Nice buds man.
I have always been amazed at how when i top a plant, it forms 2 branches instead of one. Nature is magnificant. But i have never topped mine more than twice. this gave me 4 coalas. Do you have eight on your plant?
also, how tall have you seen a plant grow? I have one Exeptional plant that is over two feet in april. Could she really grow to 30 foot tall given the right growing conditions?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Lets do this!


c99, jack herer, pineapple express, e32 trainwreck x big bud, and one white widow. All seeds except one of the jack herer's is a clone. 18 100gallon smart pots w organic soil sort of similar to super soil.


Well-Known Member
i would hope because people keep showing these outdoor grows and they are in green houses there's a big diffrence there


Active Member
Sorry, Been busy for a bit,,, working on the prizes for this contest.... I suppose we can have greenhouse category separate... any particular advantage in growth in a greenhouse? If there is a significant difference then I suppose it should be a category of its own.... chime in and pitch your knowledge.... Thx, Frogster BTW. lets get a few more pics ,, everyone loves pics...


Active Member
I was going to >playfully< cheat and start a plant under an indoor light and veg the crap out of it but lst it to stay under 1ft,,, then throw that bitch in soil outdoors, feed it with a drip system and keep lights on it at night ...lol.. anyone is welcome to try my method,,, hell, I still may..just need a convenient location ... lemme see what I can do,,,

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I suppose we can have greenhouse category separate... any particular advantage in growth in a greenhouse?
Not unless they are sealed and running co2. Primary advantage is rain protection and no crap gets into your buds.


Active Member
But the disadvantage to greenhouse is space. In the great outdoors its onward and upward. Seems like the greenhouse is always "shit its gonna hit the roof"


Active Member
Well, not enough arguments for a separate category,, I saw cruzer take his roof off when they grew to "onward and upward" status ..


Well-Known Member
Yup, I did remove the roof and I've seen other people prop up their smaller green houses with cinder blocks. My opinion in regards to growing a monster in a green house is actually a disadvantage. I'm not saying there should be a separate category for it though. I think it should be the Largest Yielding plant. Trained or not. Its always about what you get in the end anyway.

Unfortunately I don't have a monster in my plans this year, I have four of them Muhahaha

Here's my lineup for this year,
Four Tangerine Dream I started a month ago. Three Bubba Kush and Two Train wreck seedlings.

Here is a shot of my last plant from my spring harvest, Master Kush.
Thats in a 2 gallon smart pot. Started flowering at 24"

Figured this thread needed some green.

Gonna take her this week and after a few modifications move the kids out here.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone! very impressive picture right above me :0 so i was wondering if it would be ok to enter this plant of mine that has been alive for a good while, ive seen it through the beginning of this year and harvested its first 'crop' just this morning actually. it has revegged now and ive left only the bottom branches to grow. the taller shoot juuuust barely 12" tall. i was just wondering if having a massive root system at the start would be considered cheating? i just have a feeling that its going to become a monster this season. heres what it looks like. thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Lobster... im ok with it.. some would say you are at a disadvantage...
i was thinking there may be some drawbacks, but hey im here to have fun. im not doing anything else with that plant, and i have several other new ones in the works, so i figured while i wait, see how big this can get. either way thanks a lot lookin forward to seeing some big ol plants.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Hot Damn, Dan. 100 gal smart pots.
My guess is you're lookin at 10 to 12 footers.

Very nice.
Hope so. I pushed a number of factors as far as I could for maximum size. Hopefully it all works out. So far, so good. Soil mix was a little too hot for a few of my cinderella 99's, but the wreck and pineapple express are really loving it.