Judgement Day Is Coming

2. Gadaffiduck, The rainbow after the flood was god promising he would never ruin the EARTH again. Not that he wouldn't destroy mankind again. If that were the case, then Armageddon, as mentioned in revelation, would be impossible.

Actually this is what He said:

And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

He never said anything about not destroying the earth or mankind. He only said he wouldn't do it by flooding.

havent seen this in a long time. your post reminded me of it :blsmoke:
Actually this is what He said:

And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

He never said anything about not destroying the earth or mankind. He only said he wouldn't do it by flooding.

Lol, if you want to be nit picky, then yes, fine, what I should have said is "2. Gadaffiduck, The rainbow after the flood was god promising he would never ruin the EARTH again with a flood. Not that he wouldn't destroy mankind again. If that were the case, then Armageddon, as mentioned in revelation, would be impossible"

Lol, if you want to be nit picky, then yes, fine, what I should have said is "2. Gadaffiduck, The rainbow after the flood was god promising he would never ruin the EARTH again with a flood. Not that he wouldn't destroy mankind again. If that were the case, then Armageddon, as mentioned in revelation, would be impossible"


2 days later? I'm sure he's over it.

Excerpt from article:

"Science is not a tradition, it is the organized use of evidence from the real world to make inferences about the real world – meaning the real universe, which is, in Carl Sagan’s words, all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. Science knows approximately how, and when, our Earth will end. In about five billion years the sun will run out of hydrogen, which will upset its self-regulating equilibrium; in its death-throes it will swell, and this planet will vaporise. Before that, we can expect, at unpredictable intervals measured in tens of millions of years, bombardment by dangerously large meteors or comets. Any one of these impacts could be catastrophic enough to destroy all life, as the one that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago nearly did. In the nearer future, it is pretty likely that human life will become extinct – the fate of almost all species that have ever lived."
Judgement Day in only 2 days, shit my plants.

I can not believe it nor do you.

I would rather believe in the Mayans about 2012 and that the Earth goes under 21 December 2012, just because the set sounds better than a freaking Judgement Day.
Anyway, I'm going to hell unless you bless me, my dear Christian friend. And I dont think 21 December 2012 is the end, just the end of the world as we know it, and it can mean alot, remember the world ended as we know it when we got internettt.

But I can tell you that if there is an earthquake on 21, Im going to shit myself big time. (hehe)

And I look at the freemasons as old farts..


Is the entire Wikileaks in fact an inside job? To torpedo the people's freedom of speech, stopping alternative media, like 9 / 11 torpedoed the second freedoms of Terror, the Patriotic Act and Homeland Security Law?

time will tell,who lives will see.
The modern idea of the "rapture" was thought up only about fifty years ago officially, I am a christian like most Christians I do not believe in the rapture. Please look into the origins and history of "the rapture" before you buy into this stuff, in my view it is a hoax. Please understand I am not saying revalations and the idea of the end of the world is some kind of hoax but that this "rapture" idea is pure snakeoil.

Speaking of the John the Revelator, skeptics claim his writings arent to be taking literally but as a metaphor of Rome, there is quite a bit of evidence to support this interpretation.
Actually this is what He said:

And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

He never said anything about not destroying the earth or mankind. He only said he wouldn't do it by flooding.

hey, little buddy. god didn't write that or for sure say it. someone wrote it in a book.
if you take a step back and realise this you can not take the bible so seriously and have a happier life.
or you can continue thinking like you do and sally forth with your frustration.
A great man once wrote

"Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee."

"A clean, well light place" ; Ernest Hemmingway

fuck you
and you misspronounced annhilation

I dunno if I'll be saved, I'm not very religious or a very good person for that matter.
but if the world does fall apart one day, I'm gonna smoke a blunt and that feeling's gonna come on:
the feeling of going home :)
whered may 21 come from...i heard june 2012 cuz the planets line up n shit.....and other ppl say december.....i say....im ready
there's a bunch of sighs posted all over the world is coming to an end :) LOL people just got nothing better 2 do what would roll it up do without us LOL .....we will be just fine .....like 2012 will be just fine :) and if does happen oh well LOL :)