Active Member
Ok youre asking people that dont know you or your dad how much weed you should bring??? How the fuck would anyone have a GOOD answer for that?? Noone knows how much either of you smoke... so everyone that said buy a half ounce or ounce is just saying that to be on the safe side. You say you wanna smoke him out the whole week... then say well at least a day or two. Why dont you say i only have an extra $12 bucks for weed, instead of saying my sister is getting this and brothers getting that. I wasnt making fun of you... Im telling you, this whole site is devoted for growers. The toke n talk is for growers that are stoned.... they didnt make a whole site for growers and ONE spot for smokers only! So you're wrong. Go get some real friends and leave the growing and ripping people like you off to us! GRASSHITTY is a click away.... bug those fucking morons! I bet theyd be happy to have you there! WERE NOT! Your threads are annoying and getting old.um, dude, i was just asking how much money to bring? i know how much a gram costs here, but do i know the vegas price for a half ounce? I do smoke weed "on the regular" Idk why you have all this judgement for me. I know what I know, I cant grow due to where I live, and I cant bring weed on a plane.
I think its funny how you blast me for not growing or having knowledge... yet this is toke n talk. Yeah, it would be different if i were on a forum that said "growing questions".
but no, this part of the forum is for high people. So... get off your high horse. I know what weed is, what good weed is and bad weed is. Does that mean i need to talk about it on here? nope. Go fuck yourself, your post did nothing but let you vent about your preconceptions of me.
And im gaining knowledge thorugh here, ill admit, i should try harder, but you know what? i have nothing to prove to the internet about weed or how much of a stoner i am compared to everyone on here.