Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

hey everyone,

i have a few leaves turning yellow on my plant and was wondering if anyone knew why.

i am using atami nute and following a nute guide.

im using co co and recently repotted into tomatorite( a tomato plant soil)

also using a 600w hps.

can anyone help pleaasssee



Captain X

its lacking N...during the first few weeks of flower during its "stretch" they still need a balanced NPK ratio since its putting just as much energy into growing as it is budding. try adding in a 1/8th strength dose of grow nutes and see if it stops the yellowing...also check your ph...might be a lockout issue. but its common to see threads here of the same thing "yellowing 4th week of flower" 95% of the time is a nitrogen issue from giving them bloom nutes to soon.
ah ok, im alos giving bud bloom so makes sence.the water ph is 7 as i flushed it if i got to my local hydro shop and ask for ??

thanks for your reply!


Well-Known Member

and yeah it needs some nutes, it should be as dark as your other plants... but its lime green with lower leaves yellowing(N deficiency)

a balanced diet or one leaning towards K is the best. specially the K; it reulate water and makes your "fruit" larger and denser, and better tasting


Well-Known Member
if you wanna go to the hydro shop get flora grow and bloom, they are by far the best cuz their npk ratios are excellent and your plant wont lose any leaves. also feed with 1/2 strength (900ppm-1500ppm) any more or less will result in small and slow growth
i went to the shop today and he said that my plant was clogged up with nitrogen oxcide and gave me green dragon between clean to use.he said because my leaf stems were purple that they are clogged and the old nute leftovers needed to be broken down.does that sound right to you guys?

Captain X

i went to the shop today and he said that my plant was clogged up with nitrogen oxcide and gave me green dragon between clean to use.he said because my leaf stems were purple that they are clogged and the old nute leftovers needed to be broken down.does that sound right to you guys?
not even close...those hydro store guys are good at getting people to buy useless products...surprised he didnt try pushing the entire AN line on you.
not even close...those hydro store guys are good at getting people to buy useless products...surprised he didnt try pushing the entire AN line on you.

i tried to tell him what you told me but he seemed to go off track, he told me to basicly flush my plant and then get back on with my nutes.i will go back tomo and get some grow nutes.i already have a atami organic nute kit is that not good enough if i up my dosage?

Captain X

he went off track for a get you to buy an in store product....most of those guys work on commission and will try to talk you into buying whatever they can push on you...when its obviously lacking food why would he tell you to flush it...because you have he wasnt going to get you to buy he went with well flush it..and use this when you do...and first off if he uses the word "flush" call bullshit..these plants are not turds...why flush them? now if he said "leech" then you should listen. he tried to make things more complicated then it really it comes to these plants use the K.I.S.S method...keep it stupid simple...when you start over thinking it and start flushing and over/under ferting when you run into problems...all in all the plant looks good...other then slight yellowing of lower leaves...with it being 4 weeks into flower it is about to or did just finish its stretch and it used up all the nitrogen you was feeding it started taking it from the leaves.i had the same issue when i started growing years ago...after trial and error and many many errors...i found that giving them grow nutes..i use a 20-20-20 mix...then about week 4-5 when the stretch ends then i begin my bloom nutes which are 10-30-20...and they stay green till the day i chop them...i might lose 1-2 leaves at most (unless i drown them preharvest which is purposely killing it to begin fermenting (cure) before its even chopped down). a lot of people will tell you that yellowing is normal late in flower...that is far from the want them as green as you can keep them until you chop it