need help on figuring out when to harvest and maybe how to get these girls to swell



Well these are my girls, and I dont want to harvest them too early or anything before I can get good weight and get the best smokable weed I can. This is my first grow so if you could give me some help Id love it.

oh for the basic info these are an indoor grow in FF soil, given the FF nutrients
1x 600 hps watt lamp
3 gallon pots
vented through carbon filter
oscilating fan blowing on the tops
the past week or 2 they have been given nothing but water and molases with a few pounds of dry ice released into the room each day for the past week.
the strain is Down South OG
the temps average about 85 and trust me its been a battle to keep it at this temp since I live in a desert lol.
My goal is to hit about 1 to 2 ounces a plant but I think I might be short but than again Im just eyeballing it and Im a novice so there ya go lol.


Well-Known Member
aww man those are some sick girls. hard to tell the hole prob looks like you have a few. one for sure is ph. im going to guess your acidic prob around 5. just a guess your going t have to test. anther is nutrient burn, to much food. what soil you using. how old are they how long did you veg got a pic farther away. of the hole plant


Well-Known Member
any pics of your room. maybe you can change something to get the heat down. what is the air tempt outside your room.


the ph is about 6.5 and they vegged for about 2 weeks after I picked them up from the shop...the guy who made the clones said they only needed a week or 2 to veg before flowering...they are about 10-11 weeks old since I got them....they are burned so I got back on the nutes for the past two weeks and they have been recoviering slowly....the ambient qir is north of 80 with the AC trying to bring the temps down.....heres a pic of the room



sorry about that I mean to say they have been off the nute for about 2 weeks and have been slowly recovering....I may bring back the nutes at half strength though but idk what to do at this point


if I flush would that help these plants kick in to high gear or is it too late in the grow for that? and is there anything I could buy that might bring these girls up to speed sooner?


I think you may have started "flushing to soon" back to nutes for you. Try using have the nutes you did before at half the usual concentrations. Increase the concentrations gradualy as the weeks pass. Foiler feed 1-2 times a day with 1/4 of the concentation you would usully add to you r medium. DON'T make them dripping wet (That sounds HoTT !) just misting will do.


Well-Known Member
Although I started later in flowering with these two, I'm a firm believer in the benefits
of adding molasses to my feedings after three to four weeks in flowering.
I use it with and without nutrients, seldom leaving it out of any watering.
I truly believe I get fuller, more dense buds when using it.

I'm limited to 400w hps and four small plants in flower. I've grown this strain since jan. 2010 and cuttings fed with molasses have produced fuller buds, and more weight
than when I don't use it.
I use Fox Farms nutrients and last fed these two weeks ago. After cutting the top buds the bottoms were then fed full strength and will continue to flower for up to two more weeks to fatten the small stuff up, continuing the molasses as well.


and to everyone else who helped out thanks guys...if this comes out looking good I will have to owe you guys a beer lol


Active Member
Do what niko said for sure ...those girlz look like they were beat by their pimp ,,you need to love them and read what they want as they need it ,,,try to get in tune with her .... They show you ...

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
Do what niko said for sure ...those girlz look like they were beat by their pimp ,,you need to love them and read what they want as they need it ,,,try to get in tune with her .... They show you ...
agree with this. Pay closer attention to your girls and at first signs of trouble first figure out the problem then a proper solution. Keep em green and they will pay you in full at the end. Good luck with your grow.


lol I am trying to give them my closest attention.....but this is my first grow so I am not able to tune in with percision yet but I want to though....thanks for the advice and the laugh lol


Active Member
if I flush would that help these plants kick in to high gear or is it too late in the grow for that? and is there anything I could buy that might bring these girls up to speed sooner?
Nope, you pretty much screwed the pooch. Best you can do is put her in complete darkness for 2 weeks
she will then focus all her strength on resin production and bud growth in attempt to survive
These plants truly make me sad just looking at em



Well-Known Member
im sorry i have to disagree with you on the ph. iv been doing this a long time and i can tell just looking at a plant. please check your soil. take a cup full. pour a mix of bakeing soada and water over it. i bet sizels and pops. meaning if having a reacition to the alkaline baking soda. meaning its acidic. 6.5 soil wont make any poping or sizzeling. i wouldnt feed them anymore. also you guy that told you to plant clones and turn them in 2 weeks i would dis agree with him also. they go threw a shock. you should always do 2 weeks. then start counting the days so 4 is better. just like when you flower start 12 12. you dont count the first 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
im sorry i have to disagree with you on the ph. iv been doing this a long time and i can tell just looking at a plant. please check your soil. take a cup full. pour a mix of bakeing soada and water over it. i bet sizels and pops. meaning if having a reacition to the alkaline baking soda. meaning its acidic. 6.5 soil wont make any poping or sizzeling. i wouldnt feed them anymore. also you guy that told you to plant clones and turn them in 2 weeks i would dis agree with him also. they go threw a shock. you should always do 2 weeks. then start counting the days so 4 is better. just like when you flower start 12 12. you dont count the first 2 weeks.
The flowering cycle starts when a plant starts to receive twelve hours of uninterrupted darkness,
which in turn triggers the plants flowering hormones.
I don't know what you call the first two weeks of your 12/12 light schedule, but I call it flowering.
And 6.5, while good for plants it isn't neutral, it's still slightly acidic so wouldn't you still get bubbling using your baking soda method?
Why not use a ph tester if testing ph?