First Time Aerogrow


I bought an aerogarden deluxe a few years back just for the novelty of growing herbs, cherry tomatoes, etc. Well, 5 weeks ago I threw in a holiday herb kit, but removed the sage seeds from one pod and threw a supposedly good strain ganj seed in place of it. Within 5 or so days I had germination and I've been following the recommended herb nute regimen using the standard aerogarden nutes. I pinched off new shoots just above the 4th node. Since then it has really bushed out- thick stems, healthy green leaves and lots of leaves and branching. It's only about 9" tall but seems pretty robust. I'm starting 12/12 tomorrow. No idea as to sex as of yet. Fingers crossed.

Well, any input for a total newbie would be greatly appreciated. I've used no extra lighting thus far, have used nothing but tap water and have never flushed nor checked pH.

Here's some pics.



Well-Known Member
I grew in an aerogarden a couple times. i'd try to get some hydro nutes, ph test drops, add an air pump w/ an airstone in it and your plant will be happy :)


Thanks for the tips! I've done my research (this site and others) and I'm sure what you suggested is just what I need. I have one cfl that I just installed and plan on purchasing another one or two. I've also thought about a mylar reflector to maximize light. Well, again thanks for the input. When I have more to share, sex of plant or otherwise, I'll post again.



Well, 8 days into 12/12 and I'm pleased to report that it looks to be female. Small calyx and pistils have just begun to show. I've moved the whole setup, which includes two CFL's and a Sharper Image Ionic Breeze, to a closet serving to both keep out ambient light and reduce scent. I'm still planning on adding a air stone. When more growth presents itself I will then provide more pictures. The only problems I've really encountered is a bit of stretching and burnt leaf tips as a result of fast growth and the fact that I'm not able, due to work, to keep up with raising the lights at times. Still, fingers crossed.


My camera is a real cheapo digital. Had I a better digital with a good lens I could show the calyxes and pistil growth. However, I do not. Once it begins to really flower out, then will be the time. Thanks, though for showing interest in this rather experimental and newbie grow. Oh, and pay no attention to the dates. They were just taken today. I guess I need to update my camera.


OK. Now come some questions. I've done my due diligence and have read through most of the guides on this site. I understand that 2700K for flowering is recommended. I'll work on that. However, the fact that I have other herbs (parlsey, sage, oregano, thyme) growing, albeit slower and much diminished due to shading by the cannabis and water and nutrient intake, they may help to assuage the nutrients absorbed by the plant in question. Is this good or is this a hinderance to growth/ flowering? I've been following the AeroGarden recommendations for nutes- 2 med. tablets every two weeks. So far it seems to have been doing just fine. So, question is do I up the nutes to really boost flowering or should I stick to the same regimen I've been going with, given the current setup? Any feedback is greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
OK. Now come some questions. I've done my due diligence and have read through most of the guides on this site. I understand that 2700K for flowering is recommended. I'll work on that. However, the fact that I have other herbs (parlsey, sage, oregano, thyme) growing, albeit slower and much diminished due to shading by the cannabis and water and nutrient intake, they may help to assuage the nutrients absorbed by the plant in question. Is this good or is this a hinderance to growth/ flowering? I've been following the AeroGarden recommendations for nutes- 2 med. tablets every two weeks. So far it seems to have been doing just fine. So, question is do I up the nutes to really boost flowering or should I stick to the same regimen I've been going with, given the current setup? Any feedback is greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance.
I think you should stick with the same amouth of nutes. Your using the aerogarden nutes, right? I've also done a few research, If your only growing a cannabis in an aeorgarden, u should only use half dos of nutes ( ppl says it's too stronge to use the whole tab). but seems like you have many other stuff's in there so i would use 1 large tab of nutes. ( you should not put more nutes only because you have more than a few plant in AG).I am not a expert at this, but this is what i remember bro. Do some more research i am sure there's a lot ppl are doing decoy grow using AG just like you. I alos have one tomato plant going next to my herb plant, just to dangle my parents.. I think we are pretty much in the same boat haha. i'll be followin your grow buddy. Good luck!

Edit- i would move one Cfl light to other side ( you have 2 cfls on the right side). Side lights are important nd PH is the key of growing a herb in AG.


Thanks for the info. I'm sure you're right. I'll check pH and probably change the lighting... maybe add an air stone as well. Later bro.


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I'm sure you're right. I'll check pH and probably change the lighting... maybe add an air stone as well. Later bro.
I ordered the 8 inche airstone. you have few plants going, should get a longer one.. what is your Ph level ? what kinda of water are you using?


The water I use is tap water- straight out of my faucet. I believe it's city water (slightly chlorinated).

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
On a different subject, I'd ditch the ionic breeze. Aside from only being able to collect debris that is only 1/8" from the plate, they produce ozone, which is harmful to humans & plants as well. Probably not going to cause any noticeable problems. Just a waste of space. This product helped sharper image to bankruptcy, and ionizers have been banned from hospitals & such, for some time. Just FYI.


The ionic breeze was just an easy solution to air flow... in a tight space. Thanks for the input. It's out and I'll probably put in a small fan in place of it. Later, man.


Calyxes and pistils are appearing everywhere, having apparently erupted overnight. They are really starting to appear at the nodes of the newest/ highest tips of each of the four main stems. Does this mean I will have four main colas? I sure hope. And I have added one more CFL that is more orange, I'm guessing closer to the 2700K level. So that's 3 AeroGarden CFL's in the hood shining straight down and 3 others off to the sides. Looks like she may do quite well after all. I still need to test pH, though... and add that air stone. Gotta wait till payday, though, which means a few more days.


Active Member
Calyxes and pistils are appearing everywhere, having apparently erupted overnight. They are really starting to appear at the nodes of the newest/ highest tips of each of the four main stems. Does this mean I will have four main colas? I sure hope. And I have added one more CFL that is more orange, I'm guessing closer to the 2700K level. So that's 3 AeroGarden CFL's in the hood shining straight down and 3 others off to the sides. Looks like she may do quite well after all. I still need to test pH, though... and add that air stone. Gotta wait till payday, though, which means a few more days.
Dude go get some cheap ass ph test paper just for now. It's only 10bucks. I am also waitin for my payday kk. Update some post. Remember ph is the key for AG grower !!

Edit- 6 light is all good, I don't think you need any more lights but if you have money I would get some led light. I've heard led which blue nd red spectrum is good for plants. I am also thinkin to get some led in the future. How's the root doing? I am little worry coz if your growing a herb you shouldn't have more then 3plant in aerogarden. I don't know about the AG pro but I am pretty sure that they can only hold 128oz of water. In this case I would hurry on buyin an air stone. This might out of your questions kk just worryin dude. Laterrrr


Yeah, I've read up a little about LED's. Don't know if my budget will allow it. Anyway, the other herbs are not really taking up all that much root space. They're kinda scrawny compared to the REAL herb. That root is thick and sprawled out throughout the entire base. And just over a week into 12/12 has really boosted pre-flowers and may be just entering the actual flowering stage. I'll be updating with more pics by Monday of next week-- after I upgrade the setup a little. Peace, bro.


Active Member
Yeah, I've read up a little about LED's. Don't know if my budget will allow it. Anyway, the other herbs are not really taking up all that much root space. They're kinda scrawny compared to the REAL herb. That root is thick and sprawled out throughout the entire base. And just over a week into 12/12 has really boosted pre-flowers and may be just entering the actual flowering stage. I'll be updating with more pics by Monday of next week-- after I upgrade the setup a little. Peace, bro.
Ight man. I added the airstone today. How long thoes plant takes to make a strong stem? Do you remember?