Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker


Active Member
Give me a break buy the time I type the subject changes. So if I wander around the corner I reply where my head goes. 1 wife dag(dead &gone) 2 POD, 3 CrazyAS 4 Prego. So I have been there done that


Well-Known Member
Give me a break buy the time I type the subject changes. So if I wander around the corner I reply where my head goes. 1 wife dag(dead &gone) 2 POD, 3 CrazyAS 4 Prego. So I have been there done that
maybe the subject changed because nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about?


Well-Known Member
Ganja makes people horny. I think if you get yourselves high enough and don't whitey, things will work out on their own. I think Urca doesn't want to sleep with someone she'll barely even see and isn't her lover. That's perfectly understandable. I only wish I could take back my first experience of sex.

But Urca, I'd start making sure you know what you're smoking though. If a dealer tells me he doesn't know what it is I say 'Don't give me that bollocks, give me Amnesia haze' or something.


Well-Known Member
i think id personally wait for, at least a very nice guy, for that first time.


Well-Known Member
Ganja makes people horny. I think if you get yourselves high enough and don't whitey, things will work out on their own. I think Urca doesn't want to sleep with someone she'll barely even see and isn't her lover. That's perfectly understandable. I only wish I could take back my first experience of sex.

But Urca, I'd start making sure you know what you're smoking though. If a dealer tells me he doesn't know what it is I say 'Don't give me that bollocks, give me Amnesia haze' or something.
well we did get high and everything was awesome. except he doesnt want to fuck me. he said that he doesnt want me to regret having sex, and that it should be with a boyfriend, not him, though he did say that he wasnt ruling anything out, he just wanted it to be nice for me.


Well-Known Member
did you really want to fuck him or is it just the need for sex talking?

he sounds like a friend but not interested (unless its just for sex kinda thing, sounds like it)

(humm, personally i think there is a "one" for everyone and that that one , is just right for you, but its always good to have friends and sex is just sex, just take care not to get disease or unwanted pregnacy lol)


Well-Known Member
well we did get high and everything was awesome. except he doesnt want to fuck me. he said that he doesnt want me to regret having sex, and that it should be with a boyfriend, not him, though he did say that he wasnt ruling anything out, he just wanted it to be nice for me.
Well, if you're fooling around with anyone, you're with a pretty conscientious guy. At least should something actually happen at some point, it's with someone who is thinking Of your best interests. Remiss me of a friend who's filling around with two guys, long distance. Both really, really care about her (I've met them both) but one is scared of relationships and the other is madly in love with her. The first guy started crying saying how guilty he felt for sleeping witchier when they weren't dating and he wishes he could get over himself... Who knows, maybe it could blossom into something more or just be good practise for the both of you with no pressure on either side.

Good luck with everything. I hope he continues to treat you nicely.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i finally had a talk with him about reciprocating the pleasure i give him, i mean it was a little too late as it was right before i got out of his car. But we had a great time. Lol i know he did for sure. he's never talked dirty to me before, or called me babe, and i dont ever remember our kissing to be that passionate. i mean, usually its pretty heated, but last night was above and beyond, like i couldnt get enough. lol i kept trying to get out the car when he dropped me off, but kept pulling me back in for one more kiss.

So he finally discovered that if someone touches you when your high, it feels good. I turned him to putty. lol weed is amazing, last night would have been different without it.


Well-Known Member
Just remember...Obedient little girls swallow, smile, and say "Please sir, can I have some more?"

Haha...glad you had a good time.


Well-Known Member
^dont even get me started.... ugh. fuck swallowing. never ever ever will i do it!


Well-Known Member
Try getting him to alter his diet. It really does change the flavor and every guy is different. You may be pleasantly surprised.

I have never ever spat it out, you can tell when they're going to cum, there is plenty of time to get ready. Trust me, swallow, it will be greatly appreciated and you'll avoid the embarrassing grossness of spit and jizz everywhere...


Well-Known Member
yeah i just kinda realized that, im just kinda peeved about it.
Why? Don't be pissed about that kinda shit...Just kep in mind that when you're getin down and dirty, things get sloppy sometimes...just part of the game.