Got burnt for the second time..... STAY AWAY FROM CARGIVERS IN HONOR MICHIGAN!!!!

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Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
no one said it was illegal.......doesnt mean u have to charge street prices either.....just cuz u can sell a tv doesnt make it worth a million dollars....


Active Member
yes it says compensation for COSTS, it doesnt say anything about profiting. like i said, it doesnt COST you 300 an ounce to grow and if it does, stop growing now.
and it COST TIME AND TIME IS MONEY and my time is priceless so i think it's a fair trade and so does everbody else say's the market.


Active Member
no one said it was illegal.......doesnt mean u have to charge street prices either.....just cuz u can sell a tv doesnt make it worth a million dollars....
no it's simple buisness it's called supply and demand. and 100 1/4 is not street prices that's buisness prices check any disp. around .


Active Member
and it COST TIME AND TIME IS MONEY and my time is priceless so i think it's a fair trade and so does everbody else say's the market.
And your not in it to help people, your in it to profit for yourself. keep telling yourself that your justified it only makes you look more like a drug dealer.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
what if his crop got screwed over or he didnt harvest enough? not only did he pay tons of loot ($7500 +) to get this operation started and than once harvest time comes you harvest your plants and you get next to nothing..... i mean there is a thing called a dispensary and no they arent closed. he is bitching because he has to pay for weed... and i dont have room for patients so i wouldnt be able to grow this sweet sticky icky for you n e way.. i give my patients 1 oz every 4 weeks

So...what do you do with the rest of it? I mean, is that all you harvest? Costs me about $75 an once to grow high quality, the bad news is, that I can't really only yield my I have "overage". All I'd like to do is be able to legally transfer my overages at a small profit for my time. I could supply 5 patients, 1 oz a month easy from my 12 plants I'm allowed for myself, and would be thrilled if I could legally get 200 an oz for those 5 oz's.

You want 5 patients, 60 plants, and only have to give 5 oz a month to cover your patients? Then you want 350 an oz for the overages from your patients plants? Lets see...flower 30 plants every 2 months at 2 oz per plant (should be more, but you sound like a moron) thats 60oz every 2 moths harvest. You give your patients 10 oz. That leaves you 50 oz at 350 per, or $17,500 every two months for your efforts.

My, you are a compassionate guy...I mean $8750 a month isn't profiteering...


Active Member
And your not in it to help people, your in it to profit for yourself. keep telling yourself that your justified it only makes you look more like a drug dealer.
what's wrong with recreational smoker's,you expect to get weed for free then have us caregiver's out riskin our ass's selling the extra to rec. user's to cover cost's so who's really dirty.have fun begging me i'll be keeping my pride along with my reward's.and like i said even if your LEGAL your still risking your house,car, and all your to seizure.nobody going to donate a house or a weekly check to my wife and kid's if i get sent away.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
what's wrong with recreational smoker's,you expect to get weed for free then have us caregiver's out riskin our ass's selling the extra to rec. user's to cover cost's so who's really dirty.have fun begging me i'll be keeping my pride along with my reward's.and like i said even if your LEGAL your still risking your house,car, and all your to seizure.nobody going to donate a house or a weekly check to my wife and kid's if i get sent away.
Goddamn right brother;RISK=REWARD adn lets just stop with all the "legal" talk it IS NOT LEGAL AT A FEDERAL LEVEL AT ALL. We can still get our houses taken and then you dicks.....go caregiver shopping again; and btch n the process that you can't find anyone to risk their property and freedom for your free weed. Free=dicks. An offer of anythng at all changes my opinion on that one but still free=dicks who just don't get it.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
sry but no here's the law on my side - History: 2009 AACS.

Rule 333.115 Primary caregiver; number of qualified patients; compensation.
Rule 15. (1) The department shall issue a registry identification card to
the primary caregiver, if any, who is named in a qualifying patient's
approved application. A registered primary caregiver may assist not more than
5 qualifying patients with their medical use of marihuana.
(2) A registered primary caregiver may receive compensation for costs
associated with assisting a registered qualifying patient in the medical use
of marihuana. Any such compensation shall not constitute the sale of a
controlled substance.
Yep, I can read it and understand it and I went to school in Jackson county so just about anyone should be able to see that. I'm convinced half or more of the posters are actually pist patients posing as these nicey nicey caregivers.


Well-Known Member
What is the right reason? I really want to know. Is an oncology doctor into this for the wrong reason when he takes a salary?
The biggest reason so many people are turning to medical cannabis is because of its effectiveness and ease of propagation. Most people that have a true qualifying condition also have a debilitating illness. They don't have a lot of money and some don't even have insurance and can't afford to go to doctors and sure as hell can't afford medications doctors prescribe.

Some of you are right though, there's a lot of caregivers that are no different than the pharmacist, and no better either. If you're in this to make money off patients then you are in it for the wrong reason.

There's nothing wrong with making back your expenses, but charging patients $300-$400 an Oz or $15-$20 a gram is bullshit.

You figure out the right reason.

In the meantime a bunch of people need to quit pretending to be a "Caregivers" and just be honest with themselves.


Active Member
we all have to live,and to live in america you need money and like i said time is money,period.and FYI most "patient's" are not patient's i know from first hand soooo... 9 out of 10 people i deal with have no debilitating i do feel genuine compaassion for those truly in need and i am VERY good to these people but out of everybody i deal with there is olny two.not only did i give them great deals but also loaned them equipment and my time for FREE so now they have close relatives that live with them growing white widow for em that i provided for FREE.but i say 90% of patient's do not come close to deserving" good" deal's.


Well-Known Member
Where I live, the market is flooded with good dope. Most caregivers around here are doing 200 per oz, and the black market is about the same price.
I personally checked the box on my application to grow my own, plus use a dispensary. I pay a little more than 200 an oz when I go to a dispensary, but thats ok. They have more overhead than a black market grower. I had a guy approach me with an offer he thought was just awesome, I could grow his 3 plants as his caregiver. In exchange for growing his weed for him, he would let me keep 2 of his allowed 3 plants and give him one.
Why would I want to do that? I don't sell on the black market, and I already grow more meds than I consume. If I did want/need more weed I would just add lights and grow bigger plants.... not 3 more.
I don't do a lot of posting but I'd like to give my 2 cents. Remember it's just my 2 cents so if you agree great, if not, thats okay as well. I don't see the need to give away free meds, which I do not do, unless I know for certain the patient is truly disabled, or with a serious cancer problem. In this case an ounce a month is my giving! You cannot walk into Walgreens, CVS, or Walmarts, and demand free meds! You have to buy them! You buy them because someone else spent the time, money, R&D, to get that prescription to you. They are making HUGE profits yet you're not in there bitching at them, so why at your MMJ caregiver. They're no different!
You can make a case that it doesn't cost "x" amount of dollars to produce a specific amount of meds. if you're only counting up materials used, nutes, water, soil, or equipment! But that still does not factor in the time it takes to learn it enough to make a medical grade product, and then set about producing that product. If you don't have the time, space, knowledge, or perhaps mostly, the ambition to grow it yourself then you are obligated to buy it, not get it free. If you want it free, or at a very low cost, then take the time, money, and risk that the rest of us have, and do it yourself! My time is worth way more than "free", just as is Glaxo, Bayer, or any of the other big med. producers. You're not getting theirs for free!
One final point! I grow for myself, my wife and our son, which allows me 36 plants. I can take on more patients, but all I have to grow "for them" is one plant. They DO NOT have any right to dictate that the other 11 plants belong to them. So they're whining about me profiting from the sale of "their" meds. is BS. It's my meds. as all my product is within my, my wife, and sons, legal amounts.
For those of you that feel patients should get free meds. than I'd be happy to send any and all of them your way! Just PM me and I'll forward you their info as they seek me out!
Good growing all!


Well-Known Member
but as soon as you sell it to someone other than your "patients" it's not meds. It's black market dope.
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