The VO Grow #2

I just went out of town for a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family.. and my nail/dome FINALLY decides to come in the mail... GRRR!

Wireless is fine over here.. but my babies are going to be on their own, I'm sure they'll be fine though. I'm coming back on Friday to do my weekly report.

Another thing is.. I have to wait until night to smoke over here.. once everyone goes to sleep. That'll be in a couple hours.. then it's time to go smoke a bowl :blsmoke:
I just went out of town for a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family.. and my nail/dome FINALLY decides to come in the mail... GRRR!

Wireless is fine over here.. but my babies are going to be on their own, I'm sure they'll be fine though. I'm coming back on Friday to do my weekly report.

Another thing is.. I have to wait until night to smoke over here.. once everyone goes to sleep. That'll be in a couple hours.. then it's time to go smoke a bowl :blsmoke:

I feel ya on the having to wait until night to smoke. The worst part of visiting family... How am i supposed to eat normally at thanksgiving without a bowl?
nice to actually refer to them as 'girls' so young.

Oh yes it's very wonderful knowing these are girls and I'm not wasting my time.

Update video soon guys, I'm just waiting on my manager to get back to the office so I can go pick up my nail/dome. She's on lunch and will be back in less than an hour, so expect a video in the next few hours.

On a side note, girls did fine while I was away. Rockwool was a little dry.. but I filled the levels back up and they're doing great. Over three days away from home and no problems.
I already posted a question in the concentrates section.. but I'd love for someone to answer it here, it's in the video on this week's update:

Thanks MJ and also I just ordered a 14mm male to male adapter.. so I'm expecting another week and another $20 for this one LOL