need some 1 to sort me out


plants are 3 weeks in to veg in 10 gallon pots useing special mix gold
dutch master A&B nutes.. also usein add27,zone and silca
Can any 1 tell me whats up with these plants..the leafs look and feel dry
lots of diffrent colours in the plants..some leaf nice and green ,some yellowie green
under 1 600w light at the minute with 2 more 600w set up ready (been told to use 1 light till flowering starts then use all 3)
temp is 76 - 79.. humidaty at 60 - 65...temp drops by 10degres at night.
When i have a normal room light on the plants look ok...i dont no if the 600w make it look worse than it is


Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Whats your rootzone ph? My guess is its off. Its getting enough nutes of some, notice tip burn and the claw, but not enough of others. My initial is off. Check your runoff ph, as well as water in ph.


you will need to tell me how to do the run off...not got any idea wat u talking about sorry
Ive got ph tester
wat should the ph be in my warter


New Member
What is in the soil and how often are you watering? And what are your PH and PPM levels? I am thinking deficiency due to lock out. However, I am no expert and since I have a very K.I.S.S method of growing, I have never really had many issues. So please get more opinions. Good Luck!

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
you will need to tell me how to do the run off...not got any idea wat u talking about sorry
Ive got ph tester
wat should the ph be in my warter
Ok, so what you do is ph your water going In to the ideal ph range for your su strate, 5'8 for hydro 6'5 to 7 for soil. Water hal as much as the pot needs to be saturated, wait 15 minutes, water the rest. Collect that water that drips out the bottom, test its ph. Also look to see if it is intense in color. Thats a runoff ph check. From there, after finding the rootzone ph adjust your water in ph levels to suit. Its possible a simple flush will do the trick though.


New Member
you will need to tell me how to do the run off...not got any idea wat u talking about sorry
Ive got ph tester
wat should the ph be in my warter
Gather a sample of water from the bottom of the plant after watering and check the ph


you no your stuff man!!!!!!
ive warted with nutes today so will i be ok to do a run off tomorow
if the ph in the run off is to high or low what then

sorry for the questions


Active Member
If your ph is too hi or to low you need to get ph down or ph up. Add couple of drops into the water. Stir then re test ph

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
ive been runnig my ph in the warter at 5,5 - 6,0 does that sound right to you lot
im useing soil mix
No, thats too low for soil. You want it around 6.5 to 7.0 for soil. Most likely your soil ph is low, if that is the case run a few gallons of water through it. Finish the final watering with a nutrient feeding, add 1 1/2 teaspoon of 3% drugstore hydrogen peroxide to the nutes to help deliver more oxygen to them so they dont drown. For soil I like to add a tablespoon of dolomite lime to the water, disolve it, then water with it. This will help raise the soil ph to 7. It wont prevent nutrient lockout from overfertilizing, but it will keep the ph in range. Give them a foliar feed of vedge nutes at 25 % strength, it will help them rebound.

Ph is huge, the easiest way to describe it is when the ph is out of ideal range, only a fraction of the nutes are available to the plant, yet it has to sit there with the nutes surounding its roots. Think of it as only being able to eat 25 percent of your normal food would be quite a diet...


New Member
Your not using dutch master gold brand reverse are you?because that's a spray to keep them from getting male flowers its not fertilizer. looks like you don't have much perlite in the soil if any at all. Your roots might be compacted. nutrients will change the ph also so add nutrients to the water then check the ph before you water the plants. could be locked out. do you let the soil go somewhat dry before you water? if they are real wet all the time they will yellow. I wold say take all that into consideration if its not the case then you may need some nitrogen based fertizer


no its not the gold range....
i look to make shure the top 2inch of soil has gone dry then water...that sound about right to you


New Member
Sorry i could not be of more help. But it looks like you got some great advice anyway. I do have a suggestion though. Read the stickies on this forum a wealth of good info and good people to share it with you. Also there are several good grow dvd's on youtube. This one is great for newbies and first timmers. Best of luck![video=youtube;dECnYjf5ABQ][/video]