Short Rider, Ready to Harvest? Or I'm Doing Something Terribly Wrong?


Active Member
This is about 6 weeks in. The one i'm taking photos of (on the right of the case) started flowering 2-3 weeks in. Apparently its ready for harvest in 6-8 weeks, so I need to know if its ready because all the lower leaves are dying.


They suffered a little bit of nutrient burn (one on the right), but its alright for now.

Please, let me know. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Btw, I know the yield is absolute shit. But I wanted to test this out and see whether it was actually doable. I'm happy with what i've gotten, but I need to know whether to let it live longer or not. I got the seeds from : which says 6-8 weeks
Doesn't look ready yet. Most of the pistols are still white, which is just one indication. Does it say 6-8 weeks flower, or from seed? Either way it looks like another 2-3 weeks at least IMO. If youre lucky you may get a bowl to smoke.