Question for Finshaggy and Urca

April, which one of us can bake Rainbow a pie the fastest?

Fuck pie ;)

wow rainbow brite, you read alot into an encouraging statement for kuroi, I was happy for april and I wanted kuroi to be happy to, but people become vicious on the rag, dont take it out on me
Cali is fun when ur legal ;) But i'm not a big fan of the mexican food :( The fast food is subpar, but i'm a fussy canuck, seriously people gravy should always be an option with fries, i mean gravy not SAUCE lol

But.. are you going to the right mexican spots for food? that is the question.. :D
Our car shows are awesome as well.<3
wow rainbow brite, you read alot into an encouraging statement for kuroi, I was happy for april and I wanted kuroi to be happy to, but people become vicious on the rag, dont take it out on me

No , 2 fucking easy ......
Well its our disagreement, not hers.
and we shouldnt even be in disagreement, nothing I said was meant to be insulting about your relationship.
I meant no harm, only trying to encourage a friend down in the dumps, then you decided it was offensive and jumped down my throat.
Well its our disagreement, not hers.
and we shouldnt even be in disagreement, nothing I said was meant to be insulting about your relationship.
I meant no harm, only trying to encourage a friend down in the dumps, then you decided it was offensive and jumped down my throat.

No worries sweety it's all good but sorry ur the last person i would request a deep throat from ;) lol
hmm, well, sorta, try treating the clit as a mini penis, you´d be amazed at the reaction perhaps :)

the clit actually is sorta a penis (its basically the same stuff as the tip of your penis)

its a pretty quick way to climax women :)
:) All kinds of car shows !(cadillac the best) main stream LA auto show or the Dub show is always fun, I am into classic cars so I can find shows pretty easy, though I am sure any sponsored car show in los angeles or diego is fun. Really depends on what you feel like, some are only indoors, more of a slow pace walk around take pix & what not.. some are outdoors with music blasting , kiosks, & ppl everywhere tryna show off their car. Car shows @ the beach = Woohoo.
I thought this thread would be, well, rather tedious and I'd like to say that I've been delightful incorrect.

Started at the end and am currently working backwards, I'm on page 21. You guys are crazy.
This is one of the biggest pet peeves of mine ever. If April had said that to anyone else, she would have gotten ten thousand likes and probably even the agreement of a lot of users. The only reason anyone had a problem with it is because April comes off as strong, and Urca comes off as weak, and so everyone jumps in to save the weak one no matter how wrong they might have been, and then they criticize the strong one like she's being a bully. She wasn't even rude about it. That was the most straightforward way to get her meaning across. Telling someone you prefer that they not discuss your personal life isn't "mean". No need to send the cavalry for Urca's rescue just yet.

You can't brag about something all over the forums and then get upset when someone brings it up. Hell yeah she was rude! And if anyone is jumping on the bus, she's jumping on the 'it's cool to make fun of Urca bus'. I guarantee if it was anyone else she wouldn't have been quite so blunt.
If you don't want people talking about your personal life, keep it PERSONAL.
Sorry ape, I thought this was over.