Think before you caregive


Well-Known Member
I would. There are tons of good people out there that need and want medical marijuana, but don't know how to get weed and even get high. These are the most vulnerable patients out there and they need help too. This group of patients are the ones getting ripped off, abused, and lied to.


Well-Known Member
I would. There are tons of good people out there that need and want medical marijuana, but don't know how to get weed and even get high. These are the most vulnerable patients out there and they need help too. This group of patients are the ones getting ripped off, abused, and lied to.
so true. and that is why you need to be a good judge of character. help the people that actually need help. why would you want to care give for a thug or shady person. I wouldn't waste my time


Well-Known Member
I'm dropping my patients. I don't know if anyone else is experienceing this but it's drove me out of the caregiving all together: free this and cover my that. I have been growing for myself for some time now and thought I'd share with the world and be a caregiver....anyone thinking about this think HARD. After dealing with jerks from the hood trying to get cheap "zips" to sell their buddies and trying to talk me down on price (guy wanted 100/oz for meds that are top shelf-he complained about my asking 150 almost daily) fool was barely legal in that he was his wife's caregiver to use her card. Then the non-disabled dude on disability who think I'm there to pay their doctor and liscensing fees and give them ultra cheap meds for their weak-ass "chronic pain" who like to say "not quite Ann Arbor good but good bro-can i get for nothing?" Tried this thing out with about 7 people in the last year and I'm folding up on the whole thing. Wasn't trying to make a lot of money but I damn sure wasn't going to donate my time either. I can grow for me and that's enough-I tried you freeloading tools but fact is now boys you're greed got you lined up to pay sweet leaf prices so ENJOY! I had to vent I had really high hopes to provide a small revenue stream for me and a steady stream of quality meds for a few people but the public at large is just not anyhone I want to deal with. Just think hard before you make the jump-its a totally different world going from for-me growing to give-me,give-me growing. :joint:
man fuck those scrubs.... just keep the bud you grew for them and move it real quick for a decent price


Wow everyone, the stories about all the horrible patients makes me glad my only patient is my wife. I would only care give for a close friend or relative unless someone proved to be a good person. Anyone that always wants something cheaper is really annoying and I can understand how that would make up feel burnt out.


Active Member
Chin up there C and T! I don't blame you a bit. everyone always wants something for nothing. They don't care what it costs anyone else, their human nature comes through. You said it was fun before, so, just make it fun again. you could sell your overages to sweet leaf and sit back with a fatty knowing those aholes will be paying top dollar for your meds!! hahaha! I also know the whole intravert thing. I go to grow shops, dispensaries, and compassion clubs and I really don't talk to anyone either. Hey maybe I'll see you at one of those places. I'll be the guy that isn't talking to anyone either! lol Just have some fun with your grows and screw those other guys.


Well-Known Member
lots of emotions, a little less on facts.. Sooo if you have a patient, i seen one person say he Gives them 4oz a year free. Then offered to sell an oz for 150? Is there any guidelines to how much you should give for free? i understand the no profit but if you get a new patient, you have no real smokable budd for them for maybe 6 - 7 months, do they get free budd before a plant matures and what do you do if they stop being your patient? do you have to cut down the plants?


Well-Known Member
Just messing with you. lol So you got some fire under all that rational thinking. lol.
I agree we are our brothers keepers. I think I am a better grower, a better patient, and a better caregiver from this site.
Actually I know that I am.

To play devil's advocate with patients. If you read one thread on here some people are growing for $.25 an ounce. Some are so efficient, that their plants are almost producing energy! lol. Anyway most heavy heavy smokers that i know (and am) You are like hey, can you cut me a break, they can or can, I can or can't. Being an asshole about anything makes grower want to raise prices though! lol. Patients look at their caregivers and wonder "how much is he making", just like employees look at their bosses and wonder "how much is this fucker making, he can give me a raise that cheap bastard".
I am greedy by nature, and I always need to stop and look at shit in the right light, try to look at situation. When I spend $1000, $2000 at grow shop I ask for bigger discount, some of the shops get pissed, one dude said, this ain't a fucking pawn shop. I left. I know that is different, but if I don't really know person, I try and get best deal.
One more thing as warning to many. Those claiming to only deal with family, I chuckled a few times when I heard that. My family is different than yours I guess. lmao. You watch some court tv some time, family is hard as fuck to deal with!! Then it's harder to tell your family to get fucked when they keep pressing you all the time. lol


Well-Known Member
People need to grow a pair and tell your patents it's not a free or all and if they don't like it they can leave.. Remember K.I.S.S ( keep it simple stupid)

P.s and that's gotta suck not being able to count on family... It be a pretty lonely world for me if that was the case..

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I can see if I try again (not likely) I'm going to have to put myself out there and meet people at a club or something like that and get to know them first for some time. The farmers market sounds like a nice idea. in fact, if anyone knows anything about how to get involved there I'd love that info and more importantly-would it be worth it to show up with just my card and the 2.5 I'm allowed? I might go for that as a start point to maybe get back into it. I love growing and always have its just bullshit I don't have a taste for. lol


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm Italian and is kind of a big deal with but, the fuck ups..everyone has them are kind of not welcome with the rest of the clan..

P.p.s my uncle was offered the chance to go on judge joe brown... He is a Winner ;)


Well-Known Member
The farmers market sounds like a nice idea. in fact, if anyone knows anything about how to get involved there I'd love that info and more importantly-would it be worth it to show up with just my card and the 2.5 I'm allowed?l
Here's the info.
You need to be a caregiver to set up at a table. You must have one person you can sign. After some time at the market you will meet people that like you and your meds and you will find good patients. My girlfriend has been there and met people that day. A very very good crowd. She went through the entire market at choose what she thought the best shit. She bought an ounce of Ed Rostenthal's Super Bud that tested at 21.9% and that was $250/oz. Obviously most is cheaper. How many card holders are in Michigan, don't get discouraged cuz five of them pissed you off. lol. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
its a personal thing. The way i see it, if i have a person in my area. say a vet, little available money, and needs help, i ll do whatever I can to help that person out. Some people want as much as they can get for free. others understand it costs money. Others understand the real costs, and also undertand time is money.

I see it like this, what kind of a person would i be, if i step over someone thats obviously less fortunate that I am to pick up a dime, is that the kind of human i want to be?

Not me.