Club 600


Well-Known Member
no need for the club,my pipe will let ya
but for real,it be nice to know.
Have you smoked a high cbd strain b4? I have heard the effects are similar to the feeling from a hot-tub soak. thats what the disp. told me when I bought the clone at least.


Well-Known Member
One of the clones I brought in earlier had some PM develop on it. I thought I'd chopped it early enough for it to spread. Apparently I was wrong. Have found PM on 4 of the 7 plants in the room already and haven't checked the others that closely. The Dog and Banana were almost due to come down anyways, so not a huge loss. The Devastator and BBK were at least 3 weeks out (if not more). I'm pretty gutted about the whole thing, but all is not lost.
My condolences to your lost nugs. That pm is some sneaky shit.


Well-Known Member
Have you smoked a high cbd strain b4? I have heard the effects are similar to the feeling from a hot-tub soak. thats what the disp. told me when I bought the clone at least.
i would have to say "tora bora" from reserva privada seeds.
it was some of the most body numbing smoke i have had to date,it was like you say,"hot-steam bath,with a whole body rub down.
was not party meds,at all.

im going to be getting some Harlequin x jo og,soon,i hope.


Well-Known Member
Worm what was your homemade spray or soil drench recipe? I remember hot peppers and that is
Tobacco(soaked overnight in water), cinnamon, Jalapeño pepper oil and a dab of plain dish soap. There are a ton of recipes on line. I have used it to coat the soil when i had fungus gnats real bad. They run like Bruce Jenner in 1976 out of the pots.


Well-Known Member
Tobacco(soaked overnight in water), cinnamon, Jalapeño pepper oil and a dab of plain dish soap. There are a ton of recipes on line. I have used it to coat the soil when i had fungus gnats real bad. They run like Bruce Jenner in 1976 out of the pots.
Thanx worm, I have seen gnats in the air.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Haha D. Nothing like the wife showing up with 'the look'. We sure do have good ladies who put up with all our shenanigans.

Welcome to the club guys! Can't wait to see pics BigBuddah... and 100degrees, go ahead and post up some of your pics... will probably generate some interest in your thread.

Funny, we got 80degrees, now 100degrees... who's next, lol. Either 120degrees or 125degrees by my math.

haha i saw 80degrees in another thread and i swear i hadnt seen his name before i made mine!!

heres a picture of the Dinafem OG, which is the one im the most excited about now since theres no threads yet with harvest records since its a new strain from dinafem.



Well-Known Member
One of the clones I brought in earlier had some PM develop on it. I thought I'd chopped it early enough for it to spread. Apparently I was wrong. Have found PM on 4 of the 7 plants in the room already and haven't checked the others that closely. The Dog and Banana were almost due to come down anyways, so not a huge loss. The Devastator and BBK were at least 3 weeks out (if not more). I'm pretty gutted about the whole thing, but all is not lost.
fuck dude... i am truly sorry that happened.


Well-Known Member
pm is a bitch i always premptively spray with serenade to make sure i dont have any dormant bits around that are just waiting for the right conditions


Well-Known Member
fuck dude... i am truly sorry that happened.
Don't feel bad bro. I think it was duchie that posted an article about how diseases in our plants aren't so much the plants fault as they are our fault for not keeping them healthy. I neglected those little clones for a long while before getting them in the setup and I'm pretty confident it was my neglect that got them sick.

Anyways, today marked the end of 7 weeks flores. So they were almost due anyways. I'm just thankful that nothing appears to be seeded after I had those dogs spitting bollocks all over the place. Averted one disaster and caught another one before it got bad. I don't think I'm going to lose one bud... just a little potency. But with these two strains it should be ok as they are pretty damn strong to begin with.

Devastator and BBK are a bit of a loss... but I know where I can get more and run them again. They were tiny little things anyways. Maybe a half ounce each.

All's well. I'm not trippin over it. I appreciate the thought and effort from both you and wheels.

Hopefully I can keep my fucking seedlings alive. 3 out of 15 have bitten the dust. One more looks suspect, but I think the other 11 will pull through. (fingers crossed)

EDIT: What trips me out is how dry my closet is and I still get the PM. I NEVER get's above 25% humidity and averages <10% lights on, ~20% lights off. I think it might get too cold, plus I only have one little fan. I bet if I would have had 2 things might not have turned out this way. Oh well. I'm still not smoking these days so it really doesn't even matter, lol.


Well-Known Member
So I have a nice looking agent Orange that has been in flower for 7.5 weeks trichs are just starting to cloud. I notice that I have thick greenish yellow pistil growth (bananas?). Any suggestions?

Also what causes this I don't believe that I have stressed them in anyway looked perfect until I made this discovery.

Will banana's mess up any other plants in the room? If so am I already probably fucked ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, next time we'll be sure to get you some cuts from a vegging mom. Those were from flowering plants and needed to veg longer before getting put into flower. There's a new mom of the BBK just finishing it's reveg so it will be ready for a few cuts in about three weeks or so. Rumor has it the DK is taking a rest but there's a selection of BBK, Banana OG and DOG.

EDIT: There's some seedlings of the Herijuana X Cheese Surprise that just went into one of the flower tents last night ;)
I planned to run them 12/12 from seed but decided to dry the buds and then trim i the tent for odor reasons so the tent got reassembled last night and I placed some pieces of OSB across the buckets for a shelf that the plants can sit on. I've got four plants in veg in a hydro system after donating two to a nice couple I met at one of my son's friends birthday party. They're still in a reveg state but should start normal growth very soon. I'll stick them in a vertical setup at that point to veg vertically for a few weeks and then will flip.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Nanners (the insides of Male flowers that release pollem. You can carefully pull them off and hope more don't grow back. IMO It's normally a genetic thing to be honest so you probably haven't done anything wrong.

So I have a nice looking agent Orange that has been in flower for 7.5 weeks trichs are just starting to cloud. I notice that I have thick greenish yellow pistil growth (bananas?). Any suggestions?

Also what causes this I don't believe that I have stressed them in anyway looked perfect until I made this discovery.

Will banana's mess up any other plants in the room? If so am I already probably fucked ?
Morning everyone.



Well-Known Member
can yous men help me plan my sog set up for next time round i have a 120x120 tent to flower in and i also have a 900x900 cuboard i want to flower in but harvest them inbetween each other. Any idea how i should be going about this both my rooms are ful lwith flowering plants now which tent is due down in about 2 weeks my cuboard is a set up for scrog and is 28 days into flower and im now reading g-13 takes about 13 weeks to finish flowering. so should i just use tent to start next lot and build my mother/clone/veg box then i can keep my best 2 out tent for mothers flower rest in tent and start the clones to go in cuboard when tents half done??? what yous recon i have started threads about this but no replys help much appreicieated


Well-Known Member
Good Ol 600 :-) hey guys n gals bongsmilie Sorry I don't have any pr0n to share... But I'm still keeping up with the posts everyday. 600 never fails to entertain lol