Might actually vote repub


Well-Known Member
Hell Ya, I'll take that bet. I guess it would depend on ones perspective. I mean if you are a die-hard Neo-con, than maybe Obama is not for you. But from my perspective, a dead dog would be better than Dubya. At least a dead dog could do no harm.
i think i understand where you're coming from. you think Obama will not do as much harm and he might do some good. If i felt that way, I would vote for him too.


Well-Known Member
Not according to some of these folks. Some people think GW would give Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Idi all rolled into one - a run for their money (or at least that is how they sound).
yeah I know, I would agree that bush is a horrible president but I think hitler and stalin might be a little worse.


Well-Known Member
yeah I know, I would agree that bush is a horrible president but I think hitler and stalin might be a little worse.
much like Bush - it depends on who you are you know? i'm sure the fat cats and religious right are mostly happy with Bush.

a Nazi would be happy with Hitler and a communist of the Stalin variety likewise with Stalin. there are all kinds of people in this world and i haven't met any that have a monopoly on "right" and/or "truth".


Well-Known Member
I was watchin a documentary on north korea the other day, and it showed a mom and daughter walking through the streets singing death to america and something about or our blood pouring, yeah pretty creepy... lil kim is a crazy motherfucker


Well-Known Member
I was watchin a documentary on north korea the other day, and it showed a mom and daughter walking through the streets singing death to america and something about or our blood pouring, yeah pretty creepy... lil kim is a crazy motherfucker
exactly! and you know they are running around going - that Bush is a crazy motherfucker. We are fortunate to live in a country where we cans till say both Bush and Lil Kim are crazy motherfuckers! and that has to be worth something - now if we could just get the gov't off our backs in many other ways....


New Member
Bush is a creepy motherfucker, yeah, Ill second that, but the real dickheads are that Cheney asshole and his Neo-con friends.


Well-Known Member
I was watching fox and firends this morning and the guy anchor, whatever his name is, got an interview with bush and the tease said, after this commercial break I ask president bush the HARD questions....the whole time they were talking about his daughters wedding...yeah real hard questions....FOX is so funny, the O'reilly factor is my favorite, what a douchebag!


New Member
Bill Maher had a funny line last night:

"With the Bush daughter getting married, Bush isn't really losing a daughter ... he's losing a war."
