How bad are cfls for your eyes?


Active Member
I mean like, how bad are they to stare at for small periods of time. I heard they also emit something that can hurt your eyes if your close for too long?


Well-Known Member
Leach: I think that depends a lot on who you ask. I have a doctor friend who claims they're bad for you but when I asked her why she didn't use incandescent lighting through out her office she just rolled her eyes and admitted it would cost too much. If you're comparing it to staring at a MH lamp, it's nothing, but considering that most of us have converted our homes to CFL's I think the possible danger is minimal. In twenty years you might all be blind, but I'm half blind now and too old to worry about it. I figure in twenty years I'll be pushing up daisies or shoveling coal. I've been growing with fluorescent lighting for about thirty-one years now and so far so good. You're not going to sit there and stare at it, are you? I don't. I hope that helps. HSA