Gay marriage?

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Ursus marijanus
If science would have proven it, gays would be shouting in the street throwing fucking glitter on everyone. That would be world news. The only thing science has proved, is that some gays are capable of being heterosexual again, proving they werent born that way. Of course nobody talks about those studies.
You mean the ones from cn


Well-Known Member
I believe he truly believes what he posts. He has been indoctrinated with many wacky beliefs and he cannot let them go no matter how much evidence and rational thought you throw at him. he is no different than a bible thumper, only he thumps about 911 and gays.
Rational thought? The most irrational way of thinking is to justify homosexuality by claiming gays were born that way! We need to learn as humans to take responsibility for the choices we make, and not try to blame it on genetics and shit when the world doesnt accept it. Theres a reason the world doesnt accept it.


Ursus marijanus
Rational thought? The most irrational way of thinking is to justify homosexuality by claiming gays were born that way! We need to learn as humans to take responsibility for the choices we make, and not try to blame it on genetics and shit when the world doesnt accept it. Theres a reason the world doesnt accept it.
Other than God's wrath as vouchsafed by that dominionist pastor, I can't think of a one. The fundies are the ONLY ones holding onto the "homosexuality's a choice" myth because it's inextricably bundled with "homosexuality is an offense unto the LORD". Kaendar, please stop being a vector for the pathogen. cn


Well-Known Member
Other than God's wrath as vouchsafed by that dominionist pastor, I can't think of a one. The fundies are the ONLY ones holding onto the "homosexuality's a choice" myth because it's inextricably bundled with "homosexuality is an offense unto the LORD". Kaendar, please stop being a vector for the pathogen. cn
STOP bringing up religion. If religion never existed, homosexuality still would still be questioned, all it takes is a quick peek at the genitalia to know something is off. And just for shits and giggles, what if religion is right? What are you gonna say on judgement day when all the gays are being read their infractions by god?

Blaming homosexual actions on genetics is the same bullshit as alcoholics justifying their habit on genetics. Ive heard that sob story "its not an addiction, its a disease". Gtfo. So what if alcoholism runs in your family, its up to YOU to put that bottle to your mouth and drink.


Well-Known Member
If science would have proven it, gays would be shouting in the street throwing fucking glitter on everyone. That would be world news. The only thing science has proved, is that some gays are capable of being heterosexual again, proving they werent born that way. Of course nobody talks about those studies.
I believe I know why people like you are so quick to dismiss the many studies linking genetics to gayness. I do not feel obligated to present them here because you can use Google just as well as I can.

If genetic, then the scare tactic referring to all them homos out there recruiting otherwise innocent youth is a load of horseshit.

It removes a big club from your arsenal used to frighten ignorant people. Claiming it's a matter of choice makes it easier to justify the hate.

But, I just don't understand why it matters to you, or anyone else, whether a guy likes to suck on a dick or not.

It does not affect you. Am I wrong?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Rational thought? The most irrational way of thinking is to justify homosexuality by claiming gays were born that way! We need to learn as humans to take responsibility for the choices we make, and not try to blame it on genetics and shit when the world doesnt accept it. Theres a reason the world doesnt accept it.
Just like theres a reason niggers have to sit at the back of the bus, right? Popular opinion doesn't equate to being right. Your thought process is not rational, you are blinded by hatred. You claim to be rational, but you want to deny gay people rights that are offered to heterosexual people and provide absolutely no good reason. You cannot justify your reasons and you sound ridiculous. It's a shame that a bigot like you has more rights than a gay couple that loves each other.


Ursus marijanus
STOP bringing up religion. If religion never existed, homosexuality still would still be questioned, all it takes is a quick peek at the genitalia to know something is off. And just for shits and giggles, what if religion is right? What are you gonna say on judgement day when all the gays are being read their infractions by god?

Blaming homosexual actions on genetics is the same bullshit as alcoholics justifying their habit on genetics. Ive heard that sob story "its not an addiction, its a disease". Gtfo. So what if alcoholism runs in your family, its up to YOU to put that bottle to your mouth and drink.
You treat judgment day as if it were a fact. Kaendar, please. "What if religion is right?" Then I'll have to pay for not performing my oblations to Lugh then, won't I?

Also, I cannot tell at a glance the diff between the genitalia of heterosexuals and homosexuals. I don't imagine you can, either. cn


Well-Known Member
I believe I know why people like you are so quick to dismiss the many studies linking genetics to gayness. I do not feel obligated to present them here because you can use Google just as well as I can.

If genetic, then the scare tactic referring to all them homos out there recruiting otherwise innocent youth is a load of horseshit.

It removes a big club from your arsenal used to frighten ignorant people. Claiming it's a matter of choice makes it easier to justify the hate.

But, I just don't understand why it matters to you, or anyone else, whether a guy likes to suck on a dick or not.

It does not affect you. Am I wrong?
Because I dont like the fact that ppl can spew bullshit openly. If gays would admit they werent born that way, then I would stop giving a damn about whatever happens to them.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
STOP bringing up religion. If religion never existed, homosexuality still would still be questioned, all it takes is a quick peek at the genitalia to know something is off. And just for shits and giggles, what if religion is right? What are you gonna say on judgement day when all the gays are being read their infractions by god?

Blaming homosexual actions on genetics is the same bullshit as alcoholics justifying their habit on genetics. Ive heard that sob story "its not an addiction, its a disease". Gtfo. So what if alcoholism runs in your family, its up to YOU to put that bottle to your mouth and drink.
You said "Theres a reason the world doesnt accept it"

Yet you failed to provide a good reason. Religion isn't a good reason, but it's often used. Outside of religion though I can't think of a good reason to justify your hate either.


Well-Known Member
Just like theres a reason niggers have to sit at the back of the bus, right? Popular opinion doesn't equate to being right. Your thought process is not rational, you are blinded by hatred. You claim to be rational, but you want to deny gay people rights that are offered to heterosexual people and provide absolutely no good reason. You cannot justify your reasons and you sound ridiculous. It's a shame that a bigot like you has more rights than a gay couple that loves each other.
Marriage is a priviledge, not a right. Technically.


Well-Known Member
You treat judgment day as if it were a fact. Kaendar, please. "What if religion is right?" Then I'll have to pay for not performing my oblations to Lugh then, won't I?

Also, I cannot tell at a glance the diff between the genitalia of heterosexuals and homosexuals. I don't imagine you can, either. cn
I meant that you can look at 2 dicks or 2 vaginas and see that its not supposed to work like that


Ursus marijanus
I meant that you can look at 2 dicks or 2 vaginas and see that its not supposed to work like that
It's a fact of biology that the anus is quite the full-service erogenous zone. Interesting bit of design there, if you believe in that. cn


Well-Known Member
Who made you the fucking marriage police?
Fine then, marriage is a right. So while were altering the definition that has been the same since forever, lets go ahead and give polygamists that right too, and how about creeps that wanna marry their horses. You know what, lets make it ok for guys to buy 14 year old girls from southeast asia and marry them too.


Well-Known Member
Fine then, marriage is a right. So while were altering the definition that has been the same since forever, lets go ahead and give polygamists that right too, and how about creeps that wanna marry their horses. You know what, lets make it ok for guys to buy 14 year old girls from southeast asia and marry them too.
gay sex = horse fuckery and pedophilia
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