It Doesn't Frighten Me.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything, and of many things I don't know anything about, but I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in the mysterious universe without having any purpose which is the way it really is as far as I can tell possibly. It doesn't frighten me.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The scientist has a lot of experience with ignorance and doubt and uncertainty, and this experience is of very great importance, I think. When a scientist doesn’t know the answer to a problem, he is ignorant. When he has a hunch as to what the result is, he is uncertain. And when he is pretty damn sure of what the result is going to be, he is still in some doubt. We have found it of paramount importance that in order to progress, we must recognize our ignorance and leave room for doubt. Scientific knowledge is a body of statements of varying degrees of certainty — some most unsure, some nearly sure, but none absolutely certain. Now, we scientists are used to this, and we take it for granted that it is perfectly consistent to be unsure, that it is possible to live and not know. But I don’t know whether everyone realizes this is true. Our freedom to doubt was born out of a struggle against authority in the early days of science. It was a very deep and strong struggle: permit us to question — to doubt — to not be sure. I think that it is important that we do not forget this struggle and thus perhaps lose what we have gained.


Well-Known Member
I'm not scared of alot of things, and those are things I don't think of or bother to post about because they are out of sight and out of mind. But you got it even in you signature that you aren't worried about "it".

My guess....."it" scares the shit out of you. Otherwise, why bother talking about "it" so often If this is it, the end game, why waste your fucking time talking about it. Id be out there getting all I could rather than sit in front of a screen talking about how not afraid I am.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
What the hell do you think you just did? You just shared your opinion!

It is to share an opinion with others... why the fuck else do we talk about anything? To share our opinion...

It is as simple as that. Look, i even spelled it out for you.

I thought about it, and it seems to me the only reason you would reply to my thread in that manner is because you don't like it. And that is ok, it is your opinion. Just as you can share whatever you want, so can i... at least i don't bitch about it.


Well-Known Member
Ok.. So honestly, I don't understand what you mean by not afraid strife. I mean, being afraid of the unknown has NEVER crossed my mind. Maybe you can explain that a little more to me. Like are you talking about not knowing our future or not knowing what's gonna happen after death?

If a religious follower said they're not afraid of the afterlife I'd completely understand what they're saying since the afterlife would be a legit fear to overcome. And it would make sense to say you're glad you're no longer afraid. But what you're saying could range from any fear of the unknown like bigfoot to not being scared of the fate of humanity. One is a legit fear and the other isn't.

I guess what I'm asking is what fear have you gained control of? Or a clearer way to ask would be.. What is "it".

In the sense that the unknown is really nothing to even worry about at all, I get what spandy is saying.
But spandy, shit man, strife is a good dude so take it easy.

Pshh.. High and confused is not a good thing for thinking in the SSP section lol. :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Fear of ignorance, or not knowing... feeds our delusional thinking. In my opinion, those who fear ignorance, accept blind/false certainties.

For example, no one knows (as far as we can tell) if god exists or doesn't exist... so out of the fear of not knowing (ignorance) they claim certainty to one, or the other.
If we were to get past this fear, we would see no reason to claim certainties of things/ideas/concepts that we have no way of being certain of, or even close.

I don't think you can control fear, just like you have no control over your body from jumping when someone sneaks up on you and scares you from behind when you aren't prepared, there is nothing we can really do about it. I think, that within that fear, we can choose to be afraid of it, or be courageous. After we jump we can either scream/run, or turn around in spite of our fear to see what it is.

I've written something about my ideas about fear, but it's on my other pc, and I've gotta get back to working on my house. I'll look for it when i get back, i think it's pretty sweet, but as in anything... that is just my opinion.

I don't know what "it" is, i never said anything about "it" You'll have to ask spandy, she probably knows more about "it" than i do.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I'm not scared of alot of things, and those are things I don't think of or bother to post about because they are out of sight and out of mind. But you got it even in you signature that you aren't worried about "it".

My guess....."it" scares the shit out of you. Otherwise, why bother talking about "it" so often If this is it, the end game, why waste your fucking time talking about it. Id be out there getting all I could rather than sit in front of a screen talking about how not afraid I am.
...I see two things happening here. One is, that ztrife wants to conquer his fears. Making a declaration about them might bring more of them to 'test' him with. But, I'm sure he knows this...and that brings me to the next point which is actually the first point :)

*fear is an ego equal to lust. whoa.


Well-Known Member
Fear of ignorance, or not knowing... feeds our delusional thinking. In my opinion, those who fear ignorance, accept blind/false certainties.

For example, no one knows (as far as we can tell) if god exists or doesn't exist... so out of the fear of not knowing (ignorance) they claim certainty to one, or the other.
If we were to get past this fear, we would see no reason to claim certainties of things/ideas/concepts that we have no way of being certain of, or even close.
So I'm gonna be honest here.. I do fear it. Religion was so far "cooked" into my mind that I fear what might happen (AKA the unknown). I don't know and sometimes when I think too hard about it, it freaks me the fuck out. I then think everything through and I see that I can't honestly run back to my beliefs and be a ignorant happy person anymore. I can't just bring back a delusion. And..well.. That brings on fear. I'm glad you have no fear, I wish I could say the same. Maybe someday I will. Afterall, this is all still new to me. I still feel bad when I see people making fun of the bible or god. It just hits a certain part of me. Brings back memories of when I put all my trust and enforced the good in me through my "imaginary friend".

I don't think you can control fear, just like you have no control over your body from jumping when someone sneaks up on you and scares you from behind when you aren't prepared, there is nothing we can really do about it. I think, that within that fear, we can choose to be afraid of it, or be courageous. After we jump we can either scream/run, or turn around in spite of our fear to see what it is.

I've written something about my ideas about fear, but it's on my other pc, and I've gotta get back to working on my house. I'll look for it when i get back, i think it's pretty sweet, but as in anything... that is just my opinion.

I don't know what "it" is, i never said anything about "it" You'll have to ask spandy, she probably knows more about "it" than i do.
Sometimes I find myself wanting to go back to my imaginary friend because the idea of hell or afterlife (the unknown) is programmed so deep inside of me. I'm fighting it off though. Like you said, we have different reactions to the involuntary fear. My reaction is to fight it and I see others just accept it. With the benefits of accepting the mindset that you do know what happens, I'm not sure what's better between being ignorant or being honest with yourself.

And by "it" I was talking about your title. You mention you're not afraid of it. Have you seen the movie IT? By saying you're not afraid of "it", it reminds me of those kids trying to convince themselves they're not afraid of the clown. That's why I kinda see what spandy is saying. But at the same time, it's understandable to say you're not afraid if you're not afraid anymore. I think spandy should think a little more on it before assuming things.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Ok, i forgot i wrote IT in the title, it was meant to signify ignorance... my bad for not clarifying.

I really like what you have to say Hep, and i can definitely empathize.

You probably already know, i've experienced episodes of night terrors long ago, and a couple just recently. I'll use my most recent night terror to try to explain myself.

This one was different than the rest, this one started while i was in my dream, rather than hallucinating/dreaming partly in my waking state. I found myself in this black bog, the moon was the only source of light, and it was dim. There were trees around, and i could see the mucky water of the bog, i was in the back of this car, alone.. just as i started to wonder what i was doing there i looked to my left and saw this wraith looking entity. It was floating towards the car, so i immediately laid down in the back so it wouldn't see me. I was scared... but that wasn't even the start. As the wraith floated nearer the car, i could actually FEEL the fear that was emanating off from it, the closer it got, the more the feeling of intense dread and fear closed around my whole being.

For some reason i knew, that if i just hid back there, and kept still and quiet, it would pass and wouldn't notice me. The fear was immobilizing, it was so intense... and i remember thinking to myself all i have to do is sit and wait, then something clicked. I thought "FUCK THIS! This thing thinks it can make me cower like this?! Fuck that!" I got pissed, and even through all of the fear, and dread that was surrounding me, i sat up, (the back window was already rolled down) i pulled myself out of the window and yelled "HEY!!!" It quickly turned as i dropped to the ground. The second it looked at me, i couldn't move... i could barely sputter out a few grunts and noises as i tried to make anything come out. I was scared, terrified, yet i wouldn't let that stop me from refusing to be afraid, i wouldn't let that feeling of fear make me a coward.

The point is, that instead of cowering in fear, i embraced it and faced it.

In my opinion, the fear is always there, and there is nothing we can do to make it go away. In my opinion; Fear comes from not knowing (Not knowing what is going to happen, if we or one of our loved ones are going to get hurt etc. etc.) There are things in this life that we will never know, no matter how hard we try... that means that the fear will always be present.

It isn't that i don't feel the fear Hep, i do... it's just that im not going to allow it to control the way i think, the actions i take, or the decisions that i make. We can pretend the fear isn't there, people do it all the time, sometimes it's easier to pretend it isn't there than to face it and embrace it. To be courageous, to accept it, and continue to live in spite of the fear.

I found that thing i wrote a year or so ago about fear. I'm thinking about writing something new, but here it is;

The scariest things for humans IS the unknown, it is what we do not know. So instead of accepting we do not know anything metaphysical... to alleviate that fear we make something up to believe in so we can tell ourselves that we know, which will make us less afraid, which is very easy. OR we can accept our fear in the face of the unknown, accept our ignorance of the metaphysical and decide we aren’t going to be afraid anymore in spite of the fear... which takes true courage.

One of the scariest thoughts in human history is the fear of death, because no one knows what happens when you die. So instead of accepting our ignorance of death, we create within ourselves a false truth or lie to make living in fear much easier. We say to ourselves, if we just live rightly, if we only live just and with love... then i know i will go to a better place when i die and be happy for all the rest of eternity.

When the truth is, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much we want to know... we don’t. We don’t know what happens when we die, and it’s very scary to admit that we just don’t know if we continue to exist after death.

But I would rather live my life within the realm of courage.... instead of fear.

Here is something else i wrote if you are interested, but you don't have to read it;

I think putting truth to our inner spiritual beliefs is something that some individuals need to do to cope with the fear of the unknown...and that it is very unhealthy to lie to yourself, even if it makes you feel good.

I’m not trying to tell you i don't have my own beliefs, just that i have come to the understanding that they are not real, nor are they true. That they are just thoughts, just ideas.

So i would share my idea of my beliefs with you, but only if there exists the understanding that is exactly what they are. Ideas. Because if you portray your spiritual beliefs as true to someone else, there will be a conflict. Whereas if you portray your spiritual beliefs as the ultimate truth, that they are not true... that they are thoughts and ideas meant to be shared so we can give each other reassurance in the face of fearing the unknown... that is the only healthy way.

I’m saying that i think it is ok for scared people to make themselves feel better by justifying in their own minds that what they believe spiritually... is true, but that it is not healthy, and it will only lead to anger, resentment, pain and suffering if expressed outwardly, instead of inwardly.

To make the world a better place, we much each understand that our spiritual beliefs are thoughts and ideas meant to be shared with each other for us to gain courage in the face of the ultimate unknown, which is fear.

We can never get rid of fear, it will always be there no matter what, but we have the ability to decide whether or not we let it control our thoughts and our lives. Or we can decide whether to understand fear, and accept the unknown, accept our own ignorance of the universe, and the fact that we really don’t know what the hell is going on.

Because no one knows.

Each of us, needs to see the truth within our own selves, that even if we stop sharing our beliefs as true, we should not believe our beliefs are true inside of ourselves either, it is arrogant, and it only feeds our fear of the unknown, our fear of ignorance.

Remember, these are all just my thoughts and opinions.

Ok, i forgot i wrote IT in the title, it was meant to signify ignorance... my bad for not clarifying.

I really like what you have to say Hep, and i can definitely empathize.

You probably already know, i've experienced episodes of night terrors long ago, and a couple just recently. I'll use my most recent night terror to try to explain myself.

This one was different than the rest, this one started while i was in my dream, rather than hallucinating/dreaming partly in my waking state. I found myself in this black bog, the moon was the only source of light, and it was dim. There were trees around, and i could see the mucky water of the bog, i was in the back of this car, alone.. just as i started to wonder what i was doing there i looked to my left and saw this wraith looking entity. It was floating towards the car, so i immediately laid down in the back so it wouldn't see me. I was scared... but that wasn't even the start. As the wraith floated nearer the car, i could actually FEEL the fear that was emanating off from it, the closer it got, the more the feeling of intense dread and fear closed around my whole being.

For some reason i knew, that if i just hid back there, and kept still and quiet, it would pass and wouldn't notice me. The fear was immobilizing, it was so intense... and i remember thinking to myself all i have to do is sit and wait, then something clicked. I thought "FUCK THIS! This thing thinks it can make me cower like this?! Fuck that!" I got pissed, and even through all of the fear, and dread that was surrounding me, i sat up, (the back window was already rolled down) i pulled myself out of the window and yelled "HEY!!!" It quickly turned as i dropped to the ground. The second it looked at me, i couldn't move... i could barely sputter out a few grunts and noises as i tried to make anything come out. I was scared, terrified, yet i wouldn't let that stop me from refusing to be afraid, i wouldn't let that feeling of fear make me a coward.

The point is, that instead of cowering in fear, i embraced it and faced it.

In my opinion, the fear is always there, and there is nothing we can do to make it go away. In my opinion; Fear comes from not knowing (Not knowing what is going to happen, if we or one of our loved ones are going to get hurt etc. etc.) There are things in this life that we will never know, no matter how hard we try... that means that the fear will always be present.

It isn't that i don't feel the fear Hep, i do... it's just that im not going to allow it to control the way i think, the actions i take, or the decisions that i make. We can pretend the fear isn't there, people do it all the time, sometimes it's easier to pretend it isn't there than to face it and embrace it. To be courageous, to accept it, and continue to live in spite of the fear.

I found that thing i wrote a year or so ago about fear. I'm thinking about writing something new, but here it is;

The scariest things for humans IS the unknown, it is what we do not know. So instead of accepting we do not know anything metaphysical... to alleviate that fear we make something up to believe in so we can tell ourselves that we know, which will make us less afraid, which is very easy. OR we can accept our fear in the face of the unknown, accept our ignorance of the metaphysical and decide we aren’t going to be afraid anymore in spite of the fear... which takes true courage.

One of the scariest thoughts in human history is the fear of death, because no one knows what happens when you die. So instead of accepting our ignorance of death, we create within ourselves a false truth or lie to make living in fear much easier. We say to ourselves, if we just live rightly, if we only live just and with love... then i know i will go to a better place when i die and be happy for all the rest of eternity.

When the truth is, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much we want to know... we don’t. We don’t know what happens when we die, and it’s very scary to admit that we just don’t know if we continue to exist after death.

But I would rather live my life within the realm of courage.... instead of fear.

Here is something else i wrote if you are interested, but you don't have to read it;

I think putting truth to our inner spiritual beliefs is something that some individuals need to do to cope with the fear of the unknown...and that it is very unhealthy to lie to yourself, even if it makes you feel good.

I’m not trying to tell you i don't have my own beliefs, just that i have come to the understanding that they are not real, nor are they true. That they are just thoughts, just ideas.

So i would share my idea of my beliefs with you, but only if there exists the understanding that is exactly what they are. Ideas. Because if you portray your spiritual beliefs as true to someone else, there will be a conflict. Whereas if you portray your spiritual beliefs as the ultimate truth, that they are not true... that they are thoughts and ideas meant to be shared so we can give each other reassurance in the face of fearing the unknown... that is the only healthy way.

I’m saying that i think it is ok for scared people to make themselves feel better by justifying in their own minds that what they believe spiritually... is true, but that it is not healthy, and it will only lead to pain and suffering if expressed outwardly, instead of inwardly.

To make the world a better place, we much each understand that our spiritual beliefs are thoughts and ideas meant to be shared with each other for us to gain courage in the face of the ultimate unknown, which is fear.

We can never get rid of fear, it will always be there no matter what, but we have the ability to decide whether or not we let it control our thoughts and our lives. Or we can decide whether to understand fear, and accept the unknown, accept our own ignorance of the universe, and the fact that we really don’t know what the hell is going on.

Because no one knows.

Each of us, needs to see the truth within our own selves, that even if we stop sharing our beliefs as true, we should not believe our beliefs are true inside of ourselves either, it is arrogant, and it only feeds our fear of the unknown, our fear of ignorance.

Remember, these are all just my thoughts and opinions.

This last bit you wrote awhile back is excellent. I would like to say for the last year or so ive been on here the articles that I do catch of yours Z are always intriguing. I feel like we might experience some similar ideas/thoughts ex. at/around the same time. These days its very challenging, at least for me, to get an entertaining deep conversation on with most people. So once in awhile Ill come on here to this forum...for that reason. If I get to read at least one article that I feel is on the stream of my thinking its a new experience. I would like to say i'm appreciative. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
“One of the biggest problems with the world today is that we have large groups of people who will accept whatever they hear on the grapevine, just because it suits their worldview-not because it is actually true or because they have evidence to support it. The really striking thing is that it would not take much effort to establish validity in most of these cases…but people prefer reassurance to research.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
This last bit you wrote awhile back is excellent. I would like to say for the last year or so ive been on here the articles that I do catch of yours Z are always intriguing. I feel like we might experience some similar ideas/thoughts ex. at/around the same time. These days its very challenging, at least for me, to get an entertaining deep conversation on with most people. So once in awhile Ill come on here to this forum...for that reason. If I get to read at least one article that I feel is on the stream of my thinking its a new experience. I would like to say i'm appreciative. :leaf:
Dude... thanks Heis. Coming from you, i take this as one of the biggest compliments i have ever gotten. It means a lot man... i just like to think, and most of all, i like to think about thinking. It's hard to explain, many thanks my friend.

You are one of.. if not THE, most influential person ive had the pleasure of interacting with on this website. You are wise beyond your years. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
^^ Just in case you didn't catch it, it was Earth's Widdler, not Heis, who bestowed the compliment. Although I'm sure Heis feels similarly ;) Good thread, Zaehet...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Word to that bro! I actually haven't seen any of your grows... looks like im gonna be spending some time checking that shit out for the next 30 min. I'll let you know what i think bro!

Love you too man!

Edit: Dude, i can't find any. Can you share a link please?