Having trouble telling what this is! Pics inside!


Well-Known Member
Hello once again boys & girls! Its that time again for me to mither everyone stupid again! :) just need to no what the situation is with some of the girls...leaves are curling down, some of them the tips are curling up also the tips of the leaves are turning red/brown, i was setting the ph wrong for the first 3 weeks at 6.5 when it should be 5.8! Im thinking nute burn but not so sure, growing just over an inch every 2 days. Just wanted the pro's to have a look...thank you in advance! Peace.

How old are the girls? - around 4 weeks from rooted clone in veg
Temp & humidity - 25 degrees C - 50%
lights - 2x 400W HPS
How tall - nearly 1 foot
Medium? - canna coco
Pots? - 11L
How much water per feeding? - around 1300-1500ml every 3 days
Run off? - 20-30%
PH? - 5.8
Feed? - Canna A&B, Rhizo, calmax, superthrive
How much per feed? - currently 13ml A&B, 10ml rhizo, 5ml cal-max, drop of superthrive now and again!

Cant think of anything else! I dont no how it can be nute burn if it is that because its like half the strength of the recomended dose? Also I dont think it would be heat stress as i do the rule of the thumb of the back of hand method... Thanks again everyone!!



Well-Known Member
I think your right looking at over nuting. I'd back off on the nutes and see what happens.
Thanks for the reply brotha, if u think about it its not alot really tho is it 13ml of A&B? Wierd really i suppose every strain is different...this one might not like a lot of nutes!


Well-Known Member
Hey Mon could be leaf and stem disease. If so most likely clones got it from mother plant, slowly kills leaf and gets worse as flowering, leaf die all way to stem and infects stem....hope not Mon but if not over nute or not heat stress that be my guess start of the disease, and also Mon heard not enough cal-mags can make the disease progress faster so cal mag up son and keep yer PIMP HAND STRONG!!

Also IMO feed is too low, I don't go by numbers or digital, Mon reads plants and they talk to me....yours is look hungry and I would slightly raise feed and cal-mags but hey that is just me Mon.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mon could be leaf and stem disease. If so most likely clones got it from mother plant, slowly kills leaf and gets worse as flowering, leaf die all way to stem and infects stem....hope not Mon but if not over nute or not heat stress that be my guess start of the disease, and also Mon heard not enough cal-mags can make the disease progress faster so cal mag up son and keep yer PIMP HAND STRONG!!

Also IMO feed is too low, I don't go by numbers or diginal, im read plants and they talk to me....yours is look hungry and I would slightly raise nutes but hey that is just me Mon
Thanks for the reply man! I hope it aint stem disease! I did the back of the hand method for heat and it was fine, really comfortable not at all hot...how do they look hungry bro? My guess would be that there burnt...but i totally understand where ur coming from with the nutes because they should be on a lot more at the stage that there at...i messed it up at the beggining of the grow with feeding sched and PH! It stunted my grow severly. There was phosphorus lockout and lots of other things at the 6.5 range i was feeding them at!


Well-Known Member
It's looks like nute burn but what i think it is leaf cooking.I take it you mist your plants? if so then you may wanna stop cause that is most likely the issue.Yes it rains outside and we try to imitate mother nature as well as we can but lights can cook your leaves if you don't have a cool enough grow room,and even then it can still cause hotspots
DeeJay, looks like they got a little hot from the nutes. Probably not your error, but more of the plant may not like a very high ppm like you said earlier. I would flush them once, not a severe flush but a plain water flush and then get back on the nutes about 20% less than what you were mixing your nutes at before. Does that make sense? If they burn again, you are going to have to reduce the ppm's even more. I would rule out heat as an issue and wouldn't worry about the stem disease or whatever. We've been fucking with the nute mix lately and now you have burn, seems logical to me...

West Coast Cultivaiton


Well-Known Member
It's looks like nute burn but what i think it is leaf cooking.I take it you mist your plants? if so then you may wanna stop cause that is most likely the issue.Yes it rains outside and we try to imitate mother nature as well as we can but lights can cook your leaves if you don't have a cool enough grow room,and even then it can still cause hotspots
Yes mate! I mist them everyday...could this be the problem then? Obviously aswel as nute burn...thanks for that hotshot...it never crossed my mind of misting the girls could make that happen!


Well-Known Member
DeeJay, looks like they got a little hot from the nutes. Probably not your error, but more of the plant may not like a very high ppm like you said earlier. I would flush them once, not a severe flush but a plain water flush and then get back on the nutes about 20% less than what you were mixing your nutes at before. Does that make sense? If they burn again, you are going to have to reduce the ppm's even more. I would rule out heat as an issue and wouldn't worry about the stem disease or whatever. We've been fucking with the nute mix lately and now you have burn, seems logical to me...

West Coast Cultivaiton
West Coast! Hows things brotha...i thought u would come to the rescue at some point ha ha. Yep i understand about 20% less nutes after the flush...start around 8ml of A&B, 3ml of cal max and 5ml of rhizo? Aswel for the flush question...if i usually water them around 1300-1500ml each time i may just water them with very low nutes (around 3ml of A&B, 3ml of rhizo and 2ml of cal max) and at an amount of 2litres each...ive read that if you flush a plant with plain water it can stress it?? Thanks again bro!