At 72,000 dollars a year I would think so. But they only want 35% more and a few better benifits. Poor bastards.
Hey, it's all about the kids, didn't you know!
At 72,000 dollars a year I would think so. But they only want 35% more and a few better benifits. Poor bastards.
Not one pro union person on this thread has addressed the fact that 4 out 10 Chicago teachers send their own kids to private schools!
It may in school districts. You have a choice, the school you are assigned to, private school or some sort of special dispensation in order to attend anther school outside of your district.
A person lives in a shitty neighborhood and the bad ass on the corner shakes them down for $10 every week...because they live there, they consent? Hmmm. I don't think so... Being in a given area does not mean a person consents to the person or persons willing to use force on them. It means the person willing to use force on them is an aggressor. Same thing happens in the so called "public realm". A badge or robe or official title does not change the act of taking.
Consent is not something others can give for you, if they say they can, determine their motive and you will learn about them.
What is it with you being a victim in every situation Rob? I saw that you weren't able to answer some of my questions on other threads - regarding who would enforce infractions of your code of conduct and punish the offenders.
Some day you will realize that without me you are just whistling in the wind.
My best bet would be the other six cannot afford it. And as such, their kids will have to use the metal detectors, be subject to searches, racial violence, just to attend school.
If teachers work the same amount of hours as the average worker...that would be about $25/hr. Hardly minimum wage.Whats your problem with teachers being payed? 50k is practically minimum wage these days.
It's not about ME being a victim. Anybody that is leaving others alone and has others "give" their consent for them is being victimized.
I mentioned to you several sources to answer your 2nd statement. Dr. Mary Ruart has written an excellent book, when you're done with that I can provide other sources if you'd like.
I would rather have the answers from you in this case. But you do see that you seem to represent yourself as a victim - of government mostly, but of anyone who affect your life without your first having given them permission to do so.
Making over 70K a year, I hardly doubt it.
Unless they spend their money on expensive cars, ski boats or just can't manage their money. Perhaps the others should put their kids first!
Just saying.
Just like "niggas" are wont to do, eh?
eeeeasy there now. cn over 70K a year, I hardly doubt it.
Unless they spend their money on expensive cars, ski boats or just can't manage their money. Perhaps the others should put their kids first!
Just saying.
If it's so great to be a public teacher in Chicago, why aren't you (kelly4, beenthere & newatit) pursuing it as a career?
-deal with kids
-cushy indoor job
-over $70K a year
-over 3 months off a year
-wonderful benefits
I mean, it seems like the way you are describing it it would be a dream career.
and yet...
If it's so bad, why don't they quit?If it's so great to be a public teacher in Chicago, why aren't you (kelly4, beenthere & newatit) pursuing it as a career?
-deal with kids
-cushy indoor job
-over $70K a year
-over 3 months off a year
-wonderful benefits
I mean, it seems like the way you are describing it it would be a dream career.
and yet...
If it's so bad, why don't they quit?
When did I demonize them?Keep demonizing them
and they probably will