Ladies of RIU, would you make a porno?


Well-Known Member
I'm talking something private you don't plan on showing other people, just for your own satisfaction with your boyfriend or husband or whatever?

If not, why not, if so, why so?

Is this something only guys like doing? Enlighten me

Also, fyi, if a chick I was with brought this idea up, I personally, and plenty of other men I know, would love it! Not only that, but it would tell me a lot about the girl (in a great way), she's adventurous, spontaneous, outgoing, confident, careless.. So much! But for some reason, when it's the guy that brings it up he's just a creep. What is that about?


Well-Known Member
*cough* Yes... Out of curiosity, for a personal record of union (like a photo album? I think of sex as a very deeply emotional and spiritual thing, too, so the same connotations are attached as say, a wedding video in my eyes) and because we're long-distance... Err and I like giving gifts.

Every girl wants to look at herself and feel sexy. Then again that brings up the issue of pornstars and models having self-esteem issues to some degree... Ah fuck it I'm not going into that again. I'm a little skeptical about the morality and perception skewing conventions of most professional porn, especiallly when a girl looks like she hates herself and was dragged in because she'd do anything for ten bucks off the street.

I'd rather watch my lovely do his thing. For personal use... Sure.

He is going to kill me XP

EDIT: A guy is a creep If he repeatedly pressures her or tries to do it secretly or in an insensitive way. And if your relationship is strong, your girl should feel sexy because you show you love her and want her. I hated taking baths because I had to see myself but Tip Top makes me feel so amazing I want to get naked for him 24/7. He always respected my boundaries, is caring and patient; so eventually the lights off rule was abolished. The same with the posting of pictures here, the girls and myself tend to volunteer them on our terms or I'd post pictures for those I know respected me as a person. People randomly showing up and saying 'Tits Plz' was just a piss take. So your boyfriend asking you politely is not creepy. If it feels like a stranger asking you to randomly 'show tits plz', he shouldn't be your boyfriend.

Love, respect, trust and a desire to share yourself with your partner makes fun times :3


Staff member
probably not. guy are dickheads 90% of the time after a break would be plastered everywhere


Well-Known Member
probably not. guy are dickheads 90% of the time after a break would be plastered everywhere
That's true. It disgusts me how many 'my ex gf' videos/site there are out there. Vindictive, exploititative, filthy and sad. It also makes you wonder what went wrong. Oh wait, he wa pathetic enough to do something like put it on the Internet.

I'm lucky I have the 10% though. And I have never ever shared anything sent to my inbox, no matter how I felt about the person. I din't know how people do it.


Well-Known Member
probably not. guy are dickheads 90% of the time after a break would be plastered everywhere

Well if she got caught cheating or something just as disrespectful ,I see nothing wrong.

she don't care about you why care about her. ya dig


Well-Known Member
Maybe she had reason to cheat if her guy is the type to expose her body to strangers in the Internet and exploit her, she would haw abused his trust, granted, but it takes a crazy amount of trust to make the step of showing yourself to your partner allowing them to film you, in the faith that they respect you and doesn't regard you as pornstar trash. That sort of thing could follow her around for the rest of her life and destroy her self esteem, because if it goes public she will just be pornstar trash.

If she just made a slip up then be a man and talk it out or ditch her. It's a huge deal when a woman cheats, like guys have this Madonna/whore thing going.

I mean if she is really really is just a no good slut who doesn't give a shit about you... Then yeah go ahead then I guess ^^; She probably wouldn't give a fuck.

I know there are couples that do share their porn or do couples' webcam shows as a way of showing they believe their partner is so desirable they like the idea of other people admiring or getting off on what on what they possess, or showing off the strength of their relationship and passion/chemistry together. That's a whole different thing.


Well-Known Member
What Padawan means to say is that he is holding open audition casting calls for any sluts out there in interwebz land who want to be marginally famous. On RIU.


Well-Known Member

Is this what your inner self looks like pad?
Much creepier, trust me

This brings up another issue...

And I'm not sure exactly how to say it, so it might sound a little strange, but why do we in the west view nudity in such a way that if a picture of yourself gets out to the public, the feeling of shame and regret is so strong, it actually leads some people to kill themselves to avoid it? Did you guys hear about that 14 or 15 year old girl who flashed her tits to a guy from her school and he sent it to all her facebook friends, ?

Now... come on, who can sit there and say that was the right thing for her to do? Wouldn't it have been better if in her mind, since birth, she was taught "nudity is just nudity, nothing more, don't be ashamed or embarrassed about your body, be proud of it" or something along those lines? Do you think she'd of killed herself over a picture of her tits? Why do we teach people that it's dirty or disgusting or shameful or whatever? Sure she was really young, but I remember being 15, and a 15 year old can still have independent thoughts about these kinds of issues on their own..

I admittedly have a somewhat different opinion of the way the body should be viewed, and I really don't care about the way the rest of society does view it, nudity is just nudity, it doesn't make you a bad person if you're nude, it doesn't make you a bad person if you get off on doing hardcore porn and posting it on the internet, it doesn't make you a bad person if you're involved in consentual group sex... and I think anyone who thinks it does is a self righteous asshole too concerned with the moral fabric of society and other peoples personal lives to enjoy their own.

They sit atop their high horse while teenagers kill themselves because of the shame they themselves created for them.

Where's the reasoning?


Staff member
because then you get messages of teenagers call you a fucking slut, hoe bag, ect ect


Ursus marijanus
Imo we cannot draw conclusions about the human condition by those who behave in extreme manners. The media, with their focus on the sensational, can sometimes blur this fact. cn