Indicas are an abomination to the cannabis world


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone writing "cannibus", "cannibis" and shit? Is it so hard to write cannabis?


Active Member
You really are one silly little sonofabitch aren't you? They leave the door open at Atascadero again? The sitter leave before your mom got home again?
That 420 dude is not worth your time friend. I know it's hard to ignore such an ass but I bet if we don't feed it it will leave.
That 420 dude is not worth your time friend. I know it's hard to ignore such an ass but I bet if we don't feed it it will leave.
Finally someone tells them to quit talking. Thanks man. It has gotten boring going on for 5 days. Glad to see you're still a part of it, but you should quit as well.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy both indicas and sativas and the blends. One is an upper the other is a downer both get you nice and high. IF the OP does not like indicas the he should buy pure sativas and stop bitching. Genetic crossing and selective breeding is the reason we have the potent and tasty strains that are out there. All strains can be traced back to like 8 original wild indicas and sativas.


bud bootlegger
Another hazeygrapes retard we got here folks.
i was just about to say mind i was going to call hazey grapes in for some back up for mcrandle here in a second... :D

i love my sativa's as well, but i also enjoy a bit of indica from time to time.. i enjoy the ying and the yang both..


bud bootlegger
I enjoy both indicas and sativas and the blends. One is an upper the other is a downer both get you nice and high. IF the OP does not like indicas the he should buy pure sativas and stop bitching. Genetic crossing and selective breeding is the reason we have the potent and tasty strains that are out there. All strains can be traced back to like 8 original wild indicas and sativas.
yah, to me hybrids are kind of like speed balling... :D


Well-Known Member
LMAO, I have grown my own. But my seed bank selection of PURE Sativas would be much larger if Canada and Europe didn't take good head weed and mix it with their inferior shit.
fuck pure sativas neviles haze aint even 100% sativa it's 2/3 sativa with a flower time of 16+ weeks maybe if I lived on the equater no way in hell am I growing something like that indoors. besides I like indica better I don't smoke for medical.


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous !!! Who the fuck wants full on Sats anyway. Half the time I doubt the % stated to be exact. I'm never gonna do full on Sativa outdoors even, apart from my 90% Sat JD which I even doubt it's properties!! We've had some fantastic hybrids over the years and there's nothing wrong with mixing the 2 highs!! Most Sat dons have a secondary indica landing anyway.

Im done here.


New Member
I like pot. Sativa and Indica alike. If it doesn't get me high, it's not because it's indica or sativa, it's usually because it's a shitty strain. I had mr nice, it was in the dispensiary, grown well, dried well, cured well, but the effects just weren't there. So who knows, maybe all the people you get bud from grow bad indica strains or they might not grow as well as other people on here that actually care. Either way, I'll continue enjoying everything while you corner yourself with 3 strains. But lets get real, how can you hunt all the strains down if you don't like indicas? You're missing out on 75% (maybe more maybe less) of the great grass in the world! That's just not worth it to me.


Well-Known Member

what a fucking tosser!!!! BUY ONLY SATIVA strains then you mug. You dont like Indica's far less than we all give a shit about what you like...


Well-Known Member
to each his or her own
in a perfect world id have sativas morning an all day
and indicas all evening an at night time


Well-Known Member
^^^ yep sativa in the AM so you dont get lazy and can still get stuff done and indicas in the PM to relax and help sleep.