your favorite religious propaganda


Well-Known Member
this one's my favorite... i can't believe people really believe this shit. :lol:

lol i can talk any christian into the "i cant explain it, you just gotta have faith"
thats enough for me to know it bullshit when even the followers have no clue and all they have is blind faith.
sure do wish more people in this world had more common sense to know better than to believe these story books.
but this also toke and talk where pretty much anything can be posted. right now im toking and talking so whats the problem??
George Carlin "People are always asking what would Jesus do, what would Jesus do? They don't want to know so they can do it, they want to know so they can tell you to do it!"
There's no problem...just an agreed upon place where these type of threads "tend" to be talked about.
Lol arguing about where this thread should be located, is just about as pointless arguing that your religion is the right one, nether of you have any proof but one of you is still right and one of you is still wrong in your own opinion's, i say we take a page out of the jokers philosophy and let the chips fall where they may, the thread was created in the toke n talk forum and so it is where it was meant to be.
But mines have to be the christian religion,that's classic shit right their,the whole hell thing,and burning for eternity,I'm like how? so if the physical body is flesh,bones,nerves and can be burned and feel pain right? so how can the soul feel anything,let alone burn for an eternity,how is that possible? and another thing is the pastors,and their big fancy churches,they know their wrong for what they are doing,bcuz if you are teaching the word of god,then you don't need a big church,fancy glass mirrors,to feel the spirit of god,learn to live the right way,and have to give up cash in the collection plate,what I'm saying is if the blind is leading the blind,then how and the fuck can we as a people get anywhere,and expect to go to heaven,when these people put money before the the word of god,bcuz if you aint giving up that cash,they damn sure as hell aint gonna be preaching shit,you think they are doing it bcuz they love it.

I believe in god,but I can't follow a religion,and I don't wanna offend anybody who may be a christian or whatever on this site,but you really have to ask yourself,is religion just another trap another way of control,and I said this before,if it was one true religion,then I think that it would be instilled in us from birth.If you know deep down that yopu are a good person,then you don't need to be stamped with a religion for it to be certified,and a preacher who sins trying to tell you how the fuck you need to live.only he without sin can tell me if my means justify my end.