Whats the popular opinion of C2C?

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Here I am, another beautiful UP morning with my coffee and joint and wondering, when oh when am I going to have enough +rep spread
around before I am able to give abe supercro +rep again?

I am going to go do some work and wait to see who all doesn't "like" his post.
This is kinda an important point of the way Michigan is, and the way larger operations would change it.
Do the caregivers hands get tied so they must be in grey area to pull it off, at some point over a 2-3 month period?
If the state truly doesn't want to overhaul the process, then CG to CG is a "NO BRAINER".

i quit staying up late to watch 'Dave letterman' ......
now if I'm bored and want a good laugh I come here and read 'Abe' letterman .......he makes more sense and is funnier-

the CG-CG model:

if I am a CG for 5cg/pts who assign me the all the rights/privledges of a cg and my pts all are CG for 5cg/pts who are CG for 5cg/pts who are CG for 5cg/pts who are cgs for 5 CG/pts who are CG for 5cg/pts...........

and we all belong to the same club/market/cc/collective/co-op ......see the point the clubs and markets are standing on.....
(the lawyers kno this--)

arent we all connected thru the registry?
if we belong to the same club?
and our pts assigned us CG privileges--
and we as CG in our best judgement to connect with other CG for the benefit of our Pts-to allow for uninterrupted supply ..?

i believe it's a large umbrella--

what if its a 'private' members only club? for medical pts/Cgs.....?
with all the of privileges rewards of private membership -- ?
like a dr office--or health clinic that you chose to be part of for health reasons...
to exercise medical necessity or medical needs .....don't we still have a right to choose?

aren't cgs allowed to use the medical use clause to service their pts?
and allow safe access?
for uninteruptd supply

arent 'all' cgs using the 'medical use' clause to CG our PTs?
except CCs which only allow you to interact between the 5pts that assigned you CG privileges ...

it's all in the 'medical use' definition if you ask me (u didnt) and until the courts rule one way or the other--

they have allready said the law needs to be interpreted "in the plain language as the electorate intended"......
not the legs interpretation---we shall see

but I can't imagine there will be bus loads of narcs going to all these cities to round up everyone--
might be rioting if you take away people's 'medicine'
I know a couple friends if you try and take away their beer--well

its a people's initiative......not a dr/lawyer/dispensary/cc initiative
IMO their just using loopholes that allow us all more breathing room---and I feel safer if there's clubs /dispensaries around
i mean there are allready warehouse grows all over---in these tolerant areas

why would someone NOT want to interpret the law broadly??
unless they had a hidden agenda or alterior motives--
if they just enforce the law the way it is written I would be happy-


Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I believe the act was drafted in a plain language to AVOID this stupid nit picking shit. legal for patients who benifit. did their best to spell that out but of course some body is always going to see things unclearly. we did an exercise in writing SOP (standard operating procedures) at a place I used to work. we all wrote seperately a SOP on how to make a PBJ samich. All were different and with the right asshole reading it none were fool proof. every one no matter how detialed left something out. It infuriates me the level of scrutiny involved. I get that's the job of those doing it to nit pick and over analyze but goodgoawd it says "a patient" here but "the patient" here and "your patient" here and fuck off already!


Well-Known Member
Here I am, another beautiful UP morning with my coffee and joint and wondering, when oh when am I going to have enough +rep spread
around before I am able to give abe supercro +rep again?

I am going to go do some work and wait to see who all doesn't "like" his post.
This is kinda an important point of the way Michigan is, and the way larger operations would change it.
Do the caregivers hands get tied so they must be in grey area to pull it off, at some point over a 2-3 month period?
If the state truly doesn't want to overhaul the process, then CG to CG is a "NO BRAINER".
Do we get put on some type of black list if we don't like it? :-)

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
we are a nation of laws ruled by technicalities....the rule of law$$$

how much justice can you afford?

welcome to the Federal Reserve States of Amerika--

what happened to the United States of Amerika? now we have a 'federal' govt controlling all of us ......???

to their advantage$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

note: each one of those dollar signs represents one of us-and your children


Well-Known Member
Hmmm Altria (tobacco), Merck (Big Pharma) and InBev (Alcohol) may have an opinion much more valuable than ours :(



Well-Known Member
I think we need to lobby the lobbyists here ;-) I mean they have the most influence on every piece of legislation passed by our elected clowns :bigjoint:


New Member
I think we need to lobby the lobbyists here ;-) I mean they have the most influence on every piece of legislation passed by our elected clowns :bigjoint:
Just do it old school. Private meeting with a grip full of cash held by my bro "Tiny". Simple instructions. Represent my family as if it was your family. If not? Expect to see Tiny again.

Works with lawyers.


Well-Known Member
or ...

Tiny whacks them in the knees a few times with a baseball bat and then places them into the trunk of their own automobile to think about it ;)


Well-Known Member
I am interested to know, who isn't in favor of CG to CG and why.
Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't EVERYONE be in favor of CG to CG, and PT to PT, and CG to PT, and every other combination of the above??

I don't see how someone would be opposed to that....


Well-Known Member
Well that's what I thought stow. But some people have bigger plans. Some people think that the state would be smarter to let them
grow for the masses. The easiest way to throw a stick in front of our skateboards is to keep us from legally being able to transfer meds
to each other.
I guess it's like this. Anyone that wants larger commercial grows and doesn't want "the little guy" to handle it, will be opposed to cg to cg transfers.
I am sure right here among us are a few that are ready for large scale mega-warehouse, or abandoned mine site location grows.


Well-Known Member
Well that's what I thought stow. But some people have bigger plans. Some people think that the state would be smarter to let them
grow for the masses. The easiest way to throw a stick in front of our skateboards is to keep us from legally being able to transfer meds
to each other.
I guess it's like this. Anyone that wants larger commercial grows and doesn't want "the little guy" to handle it, will be opposed to cg to cg transfers.
I am sure right here among us are a few that are ready for large scale mega-warehouse, or abandoned mine site location grows.
Yeah, I suppose you're right.

I just assume that anyone with the spare time to jack-off on here is pretty small time like me. :-)


Well-Known Member
I think that we have no say over it. Unless you have the money to decide these things. Everything most people buy is controlled by big money. Everything. The only reason there is mass produced good weed is because it was illegal for so long. Without prohibition we would all probably be smoking a way inferior product or hash mad from lower THC varieties. Sure there are gems in most "hot spots" where cannabis is native (also usually hash producing) but most of the herb is mediocre and low thc. If let go to the big money and only allow large operations the weed will start to suck. It may take a moment but without the love the quality will surely suffer. I think that small timers have no say in it. You can argue back and forth all year but there is a billionaire waiting to make everything you do illegal. I gaurantee it. Just wait for roundup ready cannabis........ It will take a moment but in a few years when the dust settles the best herb will still be grown in small gardens and most likely illegally. Not the way I want it but how I see it. Remember unless you buy very selectively, everything is going to a major coorperation (without your best interest), I promise they won't let cannabis be any different!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
market manipulation. illegal makes it lucrative. limiting commerce keeps it small and bustable. all the stuff taco said. fuckers. if you got good stuff though and keep on trucking people will pay for the good stuff. forever. legal. not legal. good shit=$$$. risk vs. reward are the only variables.


Active Member
I'm all about c2c, and p2p, and people to people (another p2p!). Its not worth filling up jails for, I mean come the heck on. Time for the public to pull up their panties and get over themselves.

Access for everyone, not just if you have a piece of plastic in your wallet, and a half crooked doctor who signed our forms.

Sorry, but thats how it is, IMO.
look we have found the intent!!!!