Morally Wrong?


Well-Known Member
So this summer i have been volunteering at a shelter next to a hosptial that houses families who can't afford hotels and they are allowed to stay for free if they have a child who needs extended hospital care. Generally i would hand out gift packages to rooms, garden and clean up around the kitchen. Whenever i got a chance i would take some tokes in my car and then get back to work. I told somebody and she said that what im doing is terrible and morally wrong. The way i see it im blazin up and helpin all these people and not askin for any money so i feel like im doing a good deed (pot just makes it more enjoyable). So does me smoking make it wrong? i mean she doesnt smoke but its not like she ever consdered volunteering her time and energy to help people less fortunate.. instead its the pothead being told he has bad morals while volunteering at a shelter... She is sober and doing nothing positive.. what do u guys think about it?


Well-Known Member
Your not doing anything wrong!! In fact I think you are doing very noble thing! It is not her job to judge you, particulary when she is doing nothing... Some people really buy into the propaganda and usally have insane (at least in my eyes) reactions to a smoker... You seem like a good person and maybe you wont tell but if ya need Ill tell her *FUCK OFF*!


Well-Known Member
what makes it wrong just because your high?I think of it as its worse to not help those that suffer than it is to help while high. As long as your not smoking in front of or affecting any while you smoke what you are doing is great


Well-Known Member
So this summer i have been volunteering at a shelter next to a hosptial that houses families who can't afford hotels and they are allowed to stay for free if they have a child who needs extended hospital care. Generally i would hand out gift packages to rooms, garden and clean up around the kitchen. Whenever i got a chance i would take some tokes in my car and then get back to work. I told somebody and she said that what im doing is terrible and morally wrong. The way i see it im blazin up and helpin all these people and not askin for any money so i feel like im doing a good deed (pot just makes it more enjoyable). So does me smoking make it wrong? i mean she doesnt smoke but its not like she ever consdered volunteering her time and energy to help people less fortunate.. instead its the pothead being told he has bad morals while volunteering at a shelter... She is sober and doing nothing positive.. what do u guys think about it?
no way bro.....its the herb that makes us want to be kind to others....:joint:


Well-Known Member
So this summer i have been volunteering at a shelter next to a hosptial that houses families who can't afford hotels and they are allowed to stay for free if they have a child who needs extended hospital care. Generally i would hand out gift packages to rooms, garden and clean up around the kitchen. Whenever i got a chance i would take some tokes in my car and then get back to work. I told somebody and she said that what im doing is terrible and morally wrong. The way i see it im blazin up and helpin all these people and not askin for any money so i feel like im doing a good deed (pot just makes it more enjoyable). So does me smoking make it wrong? i mean she doesnt smoke but its not like she ever consdered volunteering her time and energy to help people less fortunate.. instead its the pothead being told he has bad morals while volunteering at a shelter... She is sober and doing nothing positive.. what do u guys think about it?
Even if you were not volunteering your time and just smoking herb because it's what you want to do...I see nothing morally wrong or terrible about it. Same as smoking cigs or drinking, IMO. I'm a firm believer though that what you do is your business and if you share it with others, you will be judged. Sucks, but it is true. No need to get mad about it, just separate yourself from her and keep on tokin.


Well-Known Member
good deeds are good deeds, if i pur out a burning house *extreme example* while high is that morally worng or just using your common sense.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Morally wrong???? HELL FUCKING NO you are NOT morally wrong!

I speak from experience from the family perspective. When my DAD was in his final months of life he was home and receiving Hospice care. There was a small army of volunteers helping out.... Nurses to help bathe and care for him, shoppers to help my mom with grocery shopping, people who came in to help with house cleaning and people that came over to do yardwork. NOTHING was overlooked... the compassion of these volunteers was overwhelming.

My father lost his battle with cancer a year ago April 3, 2007.... and every one of the hospice volunteers came to his funeral. I'm in tears now just thinking about what wonderful people they all are and how much they contributed to our family......without pay.... just a simple thank you.

To be honest......NO ONE in my family would have given 2 shits if the people were high when they were volunteering their time to our family in our hours of need. Funny though because if they were DRUNK (which it is legal to drink) we likely would have been upset because it would be obvious and they likely wouldn't have been much help. Therein lies the problem with public perception about Marijauna..... It's nowhere NEAR the drug alcohol is..... yet booze is legal and pot isn't.... but I digress.

You are doing NOTHING WRONG by blazing up as long as you aren't doing it to the point where you aren't actually doing the job you volunteered for to help out the family (which it doesn't sound like is the case).

Tell your friend that a family that has received help from volunteers says she can FUCK RIGHT OFF and mind her own self-righteous business!

You are truly a wonderful person for volunteering your time.... and the families DO appreciate you.... even if they don't get a chance to say so personally in their time of strife, sorrow and grief.

I'm going to start volunteering for my local hospice center this year.... it's something I've wanted to do since my father's passing.... but it's taken me a little time to grieve first before I could give back to others.

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
I think that judging the actions and intentions of others solely based off personal decisions that have absolutely nothing to do with those actions is the definition of morally bankrupt. Tell your friend she needs to grow up and deal with her very obvious moral faults before she begins to criticize those of others.


Well-Known Member
So this summer i have been volunteering at a shelter next to a hosptial that houses families who can't afford hotels and they are allowed to stay for free if they have a child who needs extended hospital care. Generally i would hand out gift packages to rooms, garden and clean up around the kitchen. Whenever i got a chance i would take some tokes in my car and then get back to work. I told somebody and she said that what im doing is terrible and morally wrong. The way i see it im blazin up and helpin all these people and not askin for any money so i feel like im doing a good deed (pot just makes it more enjoyable). So does me smoking make it wrong? i mean she doesnt smoke but its not like she ever consdered volunteering her time and energy to help people less fortunate.. instead its the pothead being told he has bad morals while volunteering at a shelter... She is sober and doing nothing positive.. what do u guys think about it?
Well, one thing does not have anything to do with the other.

Volunteering is a good thing, helping out is really nice.

Now, I would argue that there is nothing morally wrong in smoking pot. She appearantly sees it as a bad thing and thinks that it negates the good that you are doing.

I would not spend alot of time around her. She sits in judgement of you and finds you lacking yet does nothing to help the community. It is typical for people to act like that.


Active Member
IMO it is morally wrong for anyone to try to impose upon someone else something based entirely off their opinion and nothing more. Unless someone can come up with a better reason that "being high is wrong" than i don't see whats so bad about taking a little toke break to relax the nerves. Its not like you we're getting smashed or smoked so much you we're incoherent or incapable in any way. Last i checked, pot can't even do that unless you smoke an OZ in a sitting. Really, it seems like she is in the wrong for telling you off about this when she has no real reason to. i dunno i rant.

us pot smokers are like cigarette puffers, we KNOW its "wrong" (apparantly), we have been told before! i don't see why people feel the need to preach to us what we already know


Active Member
I volunteer at a science museum and everyone loves meh there. I dont think pot makes me any worse of a person. that and it makes helping more fun xD

my bro volunteers aswell


Active Member
what the fuck its nothing i look after trim bath and that with dogs i get paid but when i went there not chonged it was ok but the moment i had a spliff fucking hell i loved the job its a fuck up really init whats the percentage of people dying off weed?? to the amount of people die of alcohol SHOUT OUT LEGALIZE IT!!


Well-Known Member
shes a dumb bitch who dont know wtf she talkin bout ur doin good man thats what i do blaze up befor class and do my work and fuk around withh my claffmates hahah so funny


Well-Known Member
There are allot of those that still think marijuana is a hard drug.
Thats why you see all those commercials telling kids how pot can kill you and that it affects your intelligence(making you stupid).
ofcourse they arent true.
people Phail to realise that pot is a softer drug then alcohol and cigs.

But let me tell you something that will blow you away:
-Marijuana is the third largest proffitable crop,in America ALONE!
-law enforcement pays 30 billion$ a year to get rid of it...(not including the costs of marijuana related arrests)
Now,even WITH law enforcement investing 30 billion A YEAR....It still remains the third largest proffitable crop in america...

With that 30 billion$,Nasa can build a small operations base on mars.(no joke,look it up)
America wouldnt have 30 billion dollars in debt each year and they would earn a couple billion from the marijuana taxes alone.

It doesnt make sense does it?
Ignorance,my friend,is the answer.
Its people like her that is stopping this country from advancing!

And no it isnt morally wrong.
Re-read your post because what u are doing is extremely admirable.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys im glad you feel this way... floridagirl your post meant alot to me and so did everyone elses. Thanks for so many nice opinions and so much support!


Well-Known Member
Hey closet keep up the good work!! We need more people like you who are willing to get up and do things, rather than sit and complain!!! Kudos!!