Who can admit marijuana makes you stop doing stuff ....


Well-Known Member
BTW i'm not trying to be a dick i'm just trying to help you out... I guess you can say i'm being truthful, like you asked. :-D


Well-Known Member
Its not the weed causing anything its self motivation,if weed is the crutch being leaned on for meidocricy then stop smoking.

Ive got a 7th grade education,2 time prison record,broke my back & suffered 3rd degree burns over 12% of my body,through all that shit ive smoked & have excelled in life more than many professors,infact i belong to a high end audio club where one of our members is a college professor & his portfolio cant touch mine.

Its all about motivation & the drive to excell my friend.


Well-Known Member
This one time I crapped my pants because of weed. I just didn't have the motivation to walk to the bathroom but fuggit I was stoned


Well-Known Member
I could have sworn there was a thread called "what if god smoked cannabis" just a second ago... where did it go?


Well-Known Member
Pot helps me train my body, it makes me able to stand doing boring ass things like jogging all the time.


Well-Known Member
Then GET outta here smokie mcfried!! joking... thats odd.

back on topic though... don't blame the weed on you being lazy.


Well-Known Member
I really can't agree with you on this one. I've been smoking for well over four years, and I feel like I'm the best person I could have ever been up until this point. I've done really well in school. I've stayed out of trouble.

I can't trust any of the things I've heard from the mass media or from DARE officers. The DARE program... That's a fucking laugh. Why should I honestly think that bud is in the same level as PCP, heroine, or crack? No fucking way. You're fine brah!

If anything, bud could be used to help so many lives, not ruin them.
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Well-Known Member
Nope. Tragedy was when the weed decided I should smoke it sitting on train tracks and I lost my legs. If only I could tell the weed no but it makes all my choices for me. Like that time I voted for bush, also weeds fault.


Active Member
You've found something you love right? So whats up, are you feeling so burnt out that you feel like it inhibits things you'll do wrong in life? Screw it, everyone makes mistakes- mistakes are a great way to learn.

It sounds like you have some ideas floating around your head that were put there by other people and influences that are not entirely original thought. Honestly, if you really feel like its holding you back, slow down a bit. A lot of people who go to rehab or try to go cold turkey from any kind of 'addiction' they've built up to a great degree end up binging. Why not taper down how much you're smoking, it'll make you appreciate what you're feeling when you get totally baked.

...and of course, weed isn't stopping you from doing anything. Believe in your capabilities, imagine what you want and go for it. The rest of the details will fall into place as you put forth an effort to reach your goals. Don't freak out dude, and good luck with all your endeavors


Active Member
I blame weed for the lack of money I have. I also blame it for being mildly addictive. It's worth it though.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Tragedy was when the weed decided I should smoke it sitting on train tracks and I lost my legs. If only I could tell the weed no but it makes all my choices for me. Like that time I voted for bush, also weeds fault.
or that one time you were drunk and pissed on a table haha
then i left you a note congratulating you on your success


Well-Known Member
:neutral: hmm go and fuck yourself who ever put those tags in my thread.. :hump:

Thnx for some of the positive support.. saying maybe i shouldnt smoke in the morning and afternoon. make it evening only...

That way i wont feel stoned during they day while the sun is shining on me...
You see i work in the sun..... And when you'r stoned those 2 thing just dont go down well.. specialy if you'r walking 8 kilometers with 30kg's on your back each day.......