Gold. GOLD!!!!! Gooooollllllllllddddddd!!!!!!!!

I'll give UB credit for predicting the price trend along with knowing jackshit about how the market works.

The real disconnect is between the physical market and the future contracts. The futures contracts are what heavily determine the price. These future contracts currently represent 100x the above ground supply of gold. That means the market is trading 100x more ounces of paper gold for every real ounce of real Gold.

The market is a sham and the physical metal is drying up.

People are lining up to BUY Gold and Silver, not to SELL it. You can read about everywhere outside of the mainstream media. If it was shown on mainstream media the physical market would be belly up in no time at all.

MY question for you UB, with your great predicting abilities. What happens when the stock piles dry up and the paper contracts are covered by nothing?
When word gets out about these shortages, the futures contracts will go into crash mode and gold and silver in terms of stocks prices will be lower than ever before. WE may see a much lower price. I say bring it on, I just hope I can find some to buy. It is proving hard even now to find any not marked up ridiculous premiums.
Ya ok loser

401k lulz I bet in the future you wish you had made better investments and retained a bit of the wealth.
not really, its all just digits on a screen. Unless you actually buy something with those digits, they aren't worth anything. Ask anyone that had a 401K in 2007 that had to endure a 70% devaluation.

I lost 90 percent value of my stock portfolio. Never again will I invest in the paper markets. I really did feel like a fool lead to slaughter.
401k lulz I bet in the future you wish you had made better investments and retained a bit of the wealth.

I can hardly wait to see how surprised his face gets when government decides to steal some of that 401K money through bail-ins.
Or like with stocks there's going to be a lot of people holding the bag after the institutionalized investors jumped ship, running off with the money.

Wealth isn't destroyed it is only transferred elsewhere. It is in someone elses bank account.
I can hardly wait to see how surprised his face gets when government decides to steal some of that 401K money through bail-ins.
After the last crash i'm surprised anyone puts faith in the paper market. It is all empty promises. When I cashed out my 401k and stopped making contributions to it I looked at the check and I realized how hard I work to make the money that is literally the evaporate off the bucket on what is traded and pushed around everyday in the market.
My parents keep telling me how great their 401k are doing. It is literally an illusion of growth and prosperity created by the Federal Reserve loaning massive amounts of money to banks for nearly free.
I lost 90 percent value of my stock portfolio. Never again will I invest in the paper markets. I really did feel like a fool lead to slaughter.

That sucks, my parents lost vast sums of money. My dad was pretty happy the other day when he said he had made back most of it so far. I wiped the smile from his face when I noted that his dollar buys 10-20% less than it did in 2007.
That sucks, my parents lost vast sums of money. My dad was pretty happy the other day when he said he had made back most of it so far. I wiped the smile from his face when I noted that his dollar buys 10-20% less than it did in 2007.

It was only a couple grand I was fooling around with. I never sold my stocks one company went belly up. Evergreen Solar of Marlboro, MA. Damn Chinese flooding the solar market and killed American competition.
Why would anyone trust their money with someone else making decisions on where it is invested? I rolled over all my 401k money into an Etrade account and invest it on my own. I have no one to blame other than myself if things go bad.
They use silver to conduct electricity in electronics, not gold. They use gold for connectors.

Gold, symbol Au, is a soft metallic element that is bright yellowish in color. A good conductor of heat and electricity, it is also the most malleable and ductile of all metals. Gold is used in many aspects of semiconductor manufacturing, particularly in the assembly or packaging processes. Its most widespread use is in wirebonding. Because of gold's excellent conductivity and ductility, it is extensively used in making wires for the connection of the integrated circuit to the leads of the package. Aside from manufacturability, the ductility of gold wires offers one more advantage when used in plastic-encapsulated devices, i.e., it makes the wires resistant to wire breaking during the encapsulation process. Gold is also used as die attach material for the eutectic die attach process, which is commonly used in old hermetic assembly processes. Gold is also used to cover the die cavity and bonding posts of ceramic packages to protect these from chemical degradation.
Sounds like you're mad at the system because you made a bad investment.

Evergreen shutdown their factory and tried to ship production to China so It could compete. The company couldn't secure loans for the move when the market crashed. I take it as a lesson learned. I was up 50 percent the first year I held it and than the stock market tanked and I didn't sell off like everyone else.
Gold, symbol Au, is a soft metallic element that is bright yellowish in color. A good conductor of heat and electricity, it is also the most malleable and ductile of all metals. Gold is used in many aspects of semiconductor manufacturing, particularly in the assembly or packaging processes. Its most widespread use is in wirebonding. Because of gold's excellent conductivity and ductility, it is extensively used in making wires for the connection of the integrated circuit to the leads of the package. Aside from manufacturability, the ductility of gold wires offers one more advantage when used in plastic-encapsulated devices, i.e., it makes the wires resistant to wire breaking during the encapsulation process. Gold is also used as die attach material for the eutectic die attach process, which is commonly used in old hermetic assembly processes. Gold is also used to cover the die cavity and bonding posts of ceramic packages to protect these from chemical degradation.

They are talking about SEMICONDUCTORS. since silver is not as ductile as gold, it cannot be drawn into a wire .0001 microns in size that it takes to fit in a SEMICONDUCTOR!! PLUS!! If they use silver the wires would break when they went to put the SEMICONDUCTOR together through a process known as encapsulation.

Your post 100% confirms everything I just said.

You know what a semiconductor is right?


of one ohm.Conductivity & Resistivity in Metals

p(Ω•m) at 20°C
σ(S/m) at 20°C
Annealed Copper1.72x10[SUP]-8[/SUP]5.80x10[SUP]7[/SUP]
Nickel (electrolytic)6.84x10[SUP]-8[/SUP]1.46x10[SUP]7[/SUP]
Steel (Cast)1.61x10[SUP]-7[/SUP]6.21x10[SUP]6[/SUP]

Please note that gold is many times more expensive than silver or copper and that silver and copper are BOTH better conductors of electricity than gold is.

Silver is almost 50% MORE conductive than gold is.