My vehicle was stolen

;) Good morning........

Cant believe what happens over night when i am sleeping here, guess y'all americans...

or some other timezone than me.....


Thnx for rep'ing my mum ;) she said thnx......
;) Good morning........

Cant believe what happens over night when i am sleeping here, guess y'all americans...

or some other timezone than me.....


Thnx for rep'ing my mum ;) she said thnx......

It's not rep when she asks for it:wink:
:lol: Excellent, Kate!

Wordz... was it really a Pinto? I used to have a Pinto. Fucking piece of shit. Then he put me in a Road Runner, now THAT was some fun. YEE-MOTHERFUCKIN'-HAW!
Nobody, nobody on earth ever had that huge talent
michael has. you and i are happy ones as we had that fortune to come along with his music, we are able to enjoy his everything. i wish there were much more people like Michael, the world would be different place to live.
all i can say is that i appreciate his hard work and sleepless nights.
Michael, i love dearly
Nobody, nobody on earth ever had that huge talent
michael has. you and i are happy ones as we had that fortune to come along with his music, we are able to enjoy his everything. i wish there were much more people like Michael, the world would be different place to live.
all i can say is that i appreciate his hard work and sleepless nights.
Michael, i love dearly

Yeah, he has talent but he needs help in my opinion. He has some issues.
can anybody say chevette
HA HA HA HA HA HAWWW heh heh heh heheee hee hee hee hHEE HEE HE HEE HEE HEE!!! :lol: :lol: Damn... that's... man, that's almost as like a Geo. Or a Gremlin (yes, they had their following). Or a Yugo or Ford Festiva! :lol:


Hey, I'm really sorry your Chevette got stolen. :lol: I bet you're real broken up about it, too. What a loss, classic like that.
luckily I was able to upgrade into my sweet 84' tempo. I'm thinking about upgrading to some dubs .
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