Sea of Seeds reputation


Active Member
Hes not saying Big Brother is protecting us or our data. They are already have access to all of our info,the only thing stopping them is thr image of propriety and constitutional legality if they are challenged ( Which most people dont havr the money to challenge). There was an article yesterday on msn about the FBI already reading peoples emails without warrants. They do this with the help of unscrupulous State AGs. Meaning they are interpreting yhr constitiution to suit their needs and dont expect challenges because of states rights. Only way to get it to change is scotus. Freedom of info act is helping ACLU release the facts.

We are actively being watched. Just dont makr yourself a worthwhile target by your statements here or associations.

Well if you read the post again he is implying that all there info (MILITARY) is safe because they have big brother. But a quick search proves otherwise. FBI reading our emails? Well again that just proves the point I'm making!

I'm not dissing or running anybody down here bro I'm just telling it how it is. Anybody that thinks there info is safe is living on another planet.

At the end of the day your post has even strengthened what I'm saying (no info is %100 safe). Hundreds of example can be found on search engine's, from face book accounts being hacked, emails hacked, airline sites hacked the list goes on and on.

Now those are facts not statements and I am in no way associated with anyone on this forum. I don't personally no anyone on here. If I have hurt anyone's feelings for telling the truth and backing it up with facts I do apologize.

Like I said I call a spade a spade not a butterfly!! I will no longer post on any matters related to safe personal info as this thread is starting to get of topic. Sea of seeds are doing there best to rectify the problem and they have admitted it has happens and as EM has said they are not hiding from it.

In my opinion (now this is an opinion not a fact nor a statement) they never had any measures in place to prevent it from happening and to be honest it was more then likely happening the minute the website was first put up, it's only now that it has come to light. So I will say this "If anyone was going to kick your door down it probably would have happend by now guy's"

Peace :peace:


E M where did you go? Did the kitchen exceed your Critical Thermal Maximum. Good God how in the hell does "Stealth" happen to go so Open for the Public to peruse?


Well-Known Member
Hes not saying Big Brother is protecting us or our data. They are already have access to all of our info,the only thing stopping them is thr image of propriety and constitutional legality if they are challenged ( Which most people dont havr the money to challenge). There was an article yesterday on msn about the FBI already reading peoples emails without warrants. They do this with the help of unscrupulous State AGs. Meaning they are interpreting yhr constitiution to suit their needs and dont expect challenges because of states rights. Only way to get it to change is scotus. Freedom of info act is helping ACLU release the facts.

We are actively being watched. Just dont makr yourself a worthwhile target by your statements here or associations.
EXACTLY BROTHER...i was saying NOBODY INFORMATION IS SAFE BELIVE ME..if they wanna know they will find out...everythings DIGITAL today therefore we are ALWAYS being watched..cover ur webcams people we are being watched like babies at a daycare thats all i can say..good luck get legal and shut up about being a grower if not..may the force be wit ALL of us in this fight vs the haters of the green leaf.


Well-Known Member
Why do all the threads with information about the site being hacked keep get taken down that's so fucked up. Very disappointed in R.I.U. That is something that needs to be addressed not swept under the rug! Sea Of Seeds might take a hit in the rep department, but some of their customers might go to the police department. I would never in my life trust those assholes with personal info again, What a joke. Fuck me once shame on you, Fuck me twice shame on me! I'm sure people will hate on me, but that's just how I feel about it. There are too many sites out there that don't let personal info get spammed on the internet and that's who I'm dealing with for now on. Sea of Seeds fucked their customers on such a level it's just unforgivable I.M.O. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.

We have contacted google to remove the indexes
Although Sos will take the hit for this i might add the owners and work staff did not build the website nor are they programmers Sos used a third party company to build it which were trusted just like you all trusted Sos, they will be getting a visit tomorrow as soon as they open and we will hit them as hard as we and our customers have been hit, as i said we can only apologise for this terrible flaw and continue to do the right thing,
I might add this was not intentional and will not happen again, we will not be closing the doors at Sos but until we are 1 million % happy that everything is as it should be with the new site the site will remain close.
i hope this answers all concerns

There is not much more i can say for now but if there is any updates i.e google web master etc i will make it known.....
Many thanks for the support it will not go unnoticed :)
? We popped up because this is a major forum site and we were a new company needing exposure im not sure the feds would travel worldwide posing as seaofseeds in the cannabis cups trying to entrap people into buying a few seeds lets keep it real ive explained what has happened and whats being done we have held our hands up at the problem and tackled it full on, we have not hid anything nor do we plan to, But i understand your frustration Kite High.

Kindnug if someone requests us to remove data concerning there order we would do so to be honest no one as ever asked as far as i know.
E M I know your taking a hell of a beating right now and I feel for you man. Kite High is pointing out a lot of good stuff. He got the balls to say it.
I hope when you all release the new site that you show its on its OWN SERVER RACK with 256 ssl certificate. If I see that you are sharing a rack with someone else this will be a huge issue.
I have placed 4 or 5 orders with you in the last 3 months and would like to come back. I need to know something like this will never happen again along with steps that you all will be taking if you do come under attack again.
I worked for a large e-tailor so I know how this stuff works.
Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
EM and SOS are only giving away free ceeds to those of us whose posts were deleted and were apart of this from the very beginning. Those of us who became aware in the very first hours of this are going to receive a yearly credit of $1500. Thanks EM. Great move on SOS's behalf. Are you in Myco?


Active Member
EM and SOS are only giving away free ceeds to those of us whose posts were deleted and were apart of this from the very beginning. Those of us who became aware in the very first hours of this are going to receive a yearly credit of $1500. Thanks EM. Great move on SOS's behalf. Are you in Myco?
Really where does it say that?


Active Member
Didnt you get your PM?
Nope? I was in that thread and I'm also a customer that just spent $300 on a order that has not rocked up yet. I have to wait until Wednesday (15th) to contact for a resend. Basically ordered 6 weeks ago but it's just shit luck I guess :sad:


Well-Known Member
He's bustin your balls homes. I was in that thread. Im just waiting for them to reopen so I can get some sickmeds stuff.


Active Member
He's bustin your balls homes. I was in that thread. Im just waiting for them to reopen so I can get some sickmeds stuff.
LMAO :clap: Yeah that's what i was thinking. Must admit though it would have been nice even it was just a few freebies!!


Well-Known Member
Bugmaster i have my thermal underwear on its ok ;).... Lol Gand thats funny..... Right people a little update,,,google has cleared up a lot of cached pages so im a little happier the site is already live but only for the developers, server manager and sos staff there is a lot of testing going on right now, Hank we have got the 256 ssl cert and is installed on the our own server :) and will be displayed on the new site. we hoping the site goes live by the end of next week.
Please do not hesitate with any questions as im here to help.
Have a bliss weekend RIU.


Active Member

Looking forward to seeing the new site :peace: Just wondering EM did you guys get the same developers to do the new site? If so did they do it free after all the shit that has gone down?


Well-Known Member

Looking forward to seeing the new site :peace: Just wondering EM did you guys get the same developers to do the new site? If so did they do it free after all the shit that has gone down?
Not only did they do it for free, they did it with EM's boot collection up their asses. My attempt to be funny was the moment in the movies known as "comic relief". You know we all needed that.


Active Member
Sorry EM didn't mean to pry bro. I only asked because I had problems with a company a few years back. I ended up doing the same thing and I lost a fair amount of $$$ myself.

Again sorry for prying and can't wait to see the new site.