INTERNETS worst Marijuana Grows


Well-Known Member
yah by like my 2nd harvest i should have my 3rd plant down and packed ready for the best grow for it =D


Active Member
so make fun of my weed 40 acres they was doing good till we lost power for over a week plus and i chose to rip them cant grow them buy candle stick if you dont have the right imformation about some one shut the f..... up so i had to pick them or wasted them i forget it i dont want to lower my self down to his level



Well-Known Member
this is painful.....some of these poor plants look like concentration camp victims......its kinda sad. there is so much info available online for growing that seeing grow ops like this makes me cringe inside!


Active Member
that was my first grow and the first time cloning had little space to grow in they never got two grow 3 weeks in two flowering before i ripped them up this is my second grow doing a little better it all in fun



Well-Known Member
this is painful.....some of these poor plants look like concentration camp victims......its kinda sad. there is so much info available online for growing that seeing grow ops like this makes me cringe inside!
this coming from someone who has nothing to show thats any better or worse....


Well-Known Member
primeralives, check out my current grow and a couple pics of my last grow, which was my first.. i was successful because i did a TON of research...
i wasnt hating its just hard to see lovely ladies under too much stress!

check out my grow Indoor Hydro Grow #2
and oh yeah if that is still not proof, check out my monthly prize winning photo for vancouver island seed company. VancouverSeed.Com - VISC - Vancouver Island Seed Company - Liberty Seeds - Your source for award winning Canadian marijuana genetics such as Gold, GSPOT, Lady Liberty and Burmese. Ranked among the worlds best cannabis.


New Member
so make fun of my weed 40 acres they was doing good till we lost power for over a week plus and i chose to rip them cant grow them buy candle stick if you dont have the right imformation about some one shut the f..... up so i had to pick them or wasted them i forget it i dont want to lower my self down to his level
Right here I see you are not lowering yourself to this level...
that was my first grow and the first time cloning had little space to grow in they never got two grow 3 weeks in two flowering before i ripped them up this is my second grow doing a little better it all in fun
Yet you come back right after and defend yourself again. Dont get defensive because you picked a fight and then got ran up and down the blocl like a two dollar whore. I tried to be nice, and wasnt going to post this, but you kept on, keepin on, and you got clowned. Live and learn, just like those crappy light brites that cost you $600 and dont produce half as much as a cfl.
Before you come back and say"but led's are the best thing since my helmet got a strap", no they arent, and you need to quit.Just stop.

No, really


No typo replyo

usa morono


Well-Known Member
someone should also make a thread with the best grows on the internet, I need some inspiration here! But that mid grade 35 is hilarious!!


Well-Known Member
That face hugger plant thing or whatever the hell it is creeps me straight the fuck out.Seriously,thats one nasty looking hombre.

Didnt the owner say it was growing for like 2 years ?


Well-Known Member
we ripped that poor dude up - people were feeling bad - but then we figured it was just a prank and the dude knew it was a scraggly male and was just messing with us (i hope).

that's funny that so many folks remember that! so much for that "marijuana adversely affects memory" bullshit! We just have to make sure it pertains to marijuana and is funny and we remember! :joint: