Zimmerman hired a liar


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen, TM was a horrible teenager. If my son had the sorts of problems that TM displayed I would have jumped down his throat. Maybe if TM's parents had taken such a tack, young Trayvon would be alive today and maybe headed to college.

O'Mara said it was a mistake. Considering that we are talking about Trayvon, it seems reasonable to make such a mistake.
Oh a mistake saying "TM was beating up a homeless person" instead of "taping a homeless person fighting over a bike". You sir have lost all respect from me. It's not a mistake, it was a flat out lie. Call it for what it is.


Well-Known Member
You list your "reimbursements" as income. Then you list your offsetting deductions on schedule A. Try it. See what the IRS says. Come back and tell us the outcome.
how is it income if i'm being REIMBURSED?

let's take a look at the definition of each, rat.



the former is a paying back, the latter is a gain.

derp dee der.

and finally, if you would please point out to me on which line of the 1040 asks me for my reimbursements, that would be much obliged.

otherwise, i don't want to see the whiskers on your pointy face moving again, rat.


Well-Known Member
You see what you want to see, Marie. Your epic Trayvon thread went through a long list of accusations that melted away and just left you sputtering just like you are doing now.

Your state laws have nothing to do with your federal tax obligations. You know that, of course, you're a liar and a leach but you are not stupid.
Actually he has admitted violating state law many time on this thread, from what I understand it is illegal to profit from MMJ in Oregon period.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
how is it income if i'm being REIMBURSED?

let's take a look at the definition of each, rat.



the former is a paying back, the latter is a gain.

derp dee der.

and finally, if you would please point out to me on which line of the 1040 asks me for my reimbursements, that would be much obliged.

otherwise, i don't want to see the whiskers on your pointy face moving again, rat.
How does one get to the point of "rolling in it" on cost reimbursements?


Well-Known Member
Bucky is all three
oh, the butthurt i have stirred up with you. so epic.

you gonna admit that i was right the other day and that you were simply trying to smear the victim with UNAUTHENTICATED HEARSAY?

is that gonna happen, or are you gonna chase your tail in a circle a bit more before you tap out and wander back to your deep fried, southern "greese" traps?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Actually he has admitted violating state law many time on this thread, from what I understand it is illegal to profit from MMJ in Oregon period.
I know, but I find it funny that I say "federal" and he cites irrelevant oregon state statutes. Marie is a pitiful creature.


Well-Known Member
oh, the butthurt i have stirred up with you. so epic.

you gonna admit that i was right the other day and that you were simply trying to smear the victim with UNAUTHENTICATED HEARSAY?

is that gonna happen, or are you gonna chase your tail in a circle a bit more before you tap out and wander back to your deep fried, southern "greese" traps?
Actually I said it was a smear campaign I am just surprised you and retard haven't figured out lawyers are paid liars. Either this is feigned outrage or two are truly idiots.


Well-Known Member
Actually I said it was a smear campaign I am just surprised you and retard haven't figured out lawyers are paid liars. Either this is feigned outrage or two are truly idiots.
so you ran with the lie and you're proud of it?

no wonder illegal immigrants beat you out for "greese" trap jobs, it's pretty easy to tell when you have a sleazy, dishonest, lying POS contractor selling you snake greese.


New Member
you will be surprise how things go in a quiet court room when evidence is being presented. Was not Casey Anthony judged as well. We soon will see.
I just thought it was crazy that his lawyer would lie in court like that. Is there not a law against that.??? Wait are lawyers sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me invisible entity in the sky
It's kinda like all the public officials that perjure themselves and disregard their oaths of office. Only difference is they are not confined to a courtroom.


New Member
there are three things in this world i detest: rats, thieves, and liars.

the fact that you stand with the obvious liars gives you two strikes.
Well lets see now, a wannabe, a mooch and the mother of all embellishment. no you fit the bill perfectly.


New Member
so you ran with the lie and you're proud of it?

no wonder illegal immigrants beat you out for "greese" trap jobs, it's pretty easy to tell when you have a sleazy, dishonest, lying POS contractor selling you snake greese.
buck, please, what skills do you posses apart from putting your hand out and asking daddy-in-law, "please sir, can I have some more?"


New Member
Speaking of liars, apparently the trend of progressives lying to demonize and now convict Z is alive and well.

There's was too much public attention and he's already been found guilty by the media and social media, not trying to defend the fuck, but this is the reason court imposed gag orders are essential in ensuring that it doesn't end up a show trial, ala the Juice...


Well-Known Member
I guess you feel it's ok to openly lie in court. :roll:
I thought Zimmerman was the one on trial.

Are you sure his lawyer LIED in order to deceive? Or did he unknowingly say something he thought to be true, which later turned out not to be?

Ever notice you call people Liars alot?


Well-Known Member
I thought Zimmerman was the one on trial.

Are you sure his lawyer LIED in order to deceive? Or did he unknowingly say something he thought to be true, which later turned out not to be?

Ever notice you call people Liars alot?
His lawyer had already seen the video. He was trying to get it into evidence. He lied about what was on it whilst asking for MORE money from suckers.

and for the record there is no such word as alot...try "a lot".


RIU has a lot of liars in the political section.


Well-Known Member
You see what you want to see, Marie. Your epic Trayvon thread went through a long list of accusations that melted away and just left you sputtering just like you are doing now.

Your state laws have nothing to do with your federal tax obligations. You know that, of course, you're a liar and a leach but you are not stupid.
Actually, as much as I like giving Buck shit, he is right.

Proceeds of "narcotics sales" are untaxable at the Federal level.


Well-Known Member
His lawyer had already seen the video. He was trying to get it into evidence. He lied about what was on it whilst asking for MORE money from suckers.

and for the record there is no such word as alot...try "a lot".


RIU has a lot of liars in the political section.
It's a legit word, alot of people use it...alot.

A lot is where you park your trailer at night.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Actually he has admitted violating state law many time on this thread, from what I understand it is illegal to profit from MMJ in Oregon period.
are you some sort of narc?

you guys bring up pot and crimes all the time, stop using a denigrating system to prove your fallacious points . .. its tired and pathetic and makes you both DEAsert dude and noncognative look like drug narcs . . . . . .

pot shouldn't be illegal and if the IRS didn't have a ban on federally illegal substances transaction taxation and we would all be in a better place . . except for noncognative he would still be in the south so hes fucked