How Republicans can kill Obamacare easily


Well-Known Member
Come up with an alternate plan
Torte Reform, Competition across state lines, direct patient to doctor payments, etc...

I personally dont want government involved in every aspect of my healthcare no matter what party is in power at the time...

Just because you keep ignoring the alternatives presented to you does not mean there is no alternative plan.


Well-Known Member
Torte Reform,.
Making Zero difference in states that have limited lawsuit payments
Competition across state lines,
Meaning Insurance companys can issue policys to every state from the state with the easiest regulations. Right now all 50 states have insurance commissioners dont blame the FED for state laws

direct patient to doctor payments, etc...
If you dont have money for insurance how you going to have money to pay a doctor?

I personally dont want government involved in every aspect of my healthcare no matter what party is in power at the time...
The goverment isnt involved in your healthcare at all,Other than paying the bills. They are involved in regulating the Insurance companys that issue policys though

Just because you keep ignoring the alternatives presented to you does not mean there is no alternative plan.
You havent proposed any alternatives
You just rattled off a bunch of republican catch phrases


Well-Known Member
There is nothing stopping any insurance company from vending insurance in any state in the union now. This "across state lines" is bunk. If insurance companies want to sell in a state all they have to do is go there. That has never been a "solution" or an "alternative", nor has tort reform, which is another diversion and nothing more.


Undercover Mod
Torte Reform, Competition across state lines, direct patient to doctor payments, etc...

I personally dont want government involved in every aspect of my healthcare no matter what party is in power at the time...

Just because you keep ignoring the alternatives presented to you does not mean there is no alternative plan.
If you're for Torte Reform you're a fool.


Undercover Mod
My biggest problem with things like torte reform is it takes the power of judicial system (also citizens power) and places it in the hands of the legislature.

Placing caps on damages is the most crooked thing I have ever heard.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The government should just run all industries which modern humans have come to depend upon. Healthcare, food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, entertainment, everything. Sounds nice!


Well-Known Member
There is nothing stopping any insurance company from vending insurance in any state in the union now. This "across state lines" is bunk. If insurance companies want to sell in a state all they have to do is go there. That has never been a "solution" or an "alternative", nor has tort reform, which is another diversion and nothing more.
What insurance companies mean by this is they want to be able to create one policy that can be sold in any state regardless of any states insurance laws or regulations.
Then they do what Credit card companys did was Locate in South Dakota and Maryland where laws are lax in regards to credit cards.

Local goverments and states are way cheaper to buy off then the Federal Goverment


Well-Known Member
The government should just run all industries which modern humans have come to depend upon. Healthcare, food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, entertainment, everything. Sounds nice!
you can't name a nation with universal coverage, lower costs, and LESS government involvement than we have because no such nation exists.

every nation that does it better than we do has MORE government involvement.

and that''s a fact, silly goose.


Well-Known Member
you can't name a nation with universal coverage, lower costs, and LESS government involvement than we have because no such nation exists.

every nation that does it better than we do has MORE government involvement.

and that''s a fact, silly goose.
you want big gov. To hold your dick while you take a piss also?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you can't name a nation with universal coverage, lower costs, and LESS government involvement than we have because no such nation exists.

every nation that does it better than we do has MORE government involvement.

and that''s a fact, silly goose.
That's why I said the government should just do it all. No more individuals making decisions, we should all live for the hive, or the flock in the case of geese. What are you a lone wolf, who cares nothing for the pack?