How Republicans can kill Obamacare easily


Well-Known Member
That's why I said the government should just do it all. No more individuals making decisions, we should all live for the hive, or the flock in the case of geese. What are you a lone wolf, who cares nothing for the pack?
since we all know you're being sarcastic, i take it you prefer that more americans die or go bankrupt while everyone pays more.

not quite the alternative OP was referring to.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
since we all know you're being sarcastic, i take it you prefer that more americans die or go bankrupt while everyone pays more.

not quite the alternative OP was referring to.
If the government is able to better manage the American healthcare system, then managing food production should be a snap. We would all have free food. It would be great!


Well-Known Member
If the government is able to better manage the American healthcare system, then managing food production should be a snap. We would all have free food. It would be great!
Over 300 million americans in this country

How many have died of food poisoning last year?


Well-Known Member
If the government is able to better manage the American healthcare system, then managing food production should be a snap. We would all have free food. It would be great!

i never said free. i said "costs less".

please work on you reading compensation.




Well-Known Member
Over 300 million americans in this country

How many have died of food poisoning last year?
desert rat was born in a log cabin he built himself. he tests all his own food for botulism.

he even set up his own public infrastructure for internet access.


Well-Known Member
How can they kill Obama care?... Do nothing. It's already a disaster.
Get ready for when it morphs into Single Payer System. It was always the big plan.


Well-Known Member
how can they kill obama care?... Do nothing. It's already a disaster.
Get ready for when it morphs into single payer system. It was always the big plan.


BTW name one country that has Universal healthcare that bans private insurance

desert dude

Well-Known Member

i never said free. i said "costs less".

please work on you reading compensation.


OK, just the cost of production then, no more profits. If it costs $200 to grow an acre of corn then corn is sold to consumers for $200/(the cost to grow an acre of corn). Education is free, so we would just train up as many doctors as needed for our population, say one doctor for every three hundred people... one million doctors. Doctors would be paid enough to buy their share of corn from the farmer. No more damn profits.

The government would be in charge of genetically modifying plants to be more productive, but no patents or profits. The new mirakul seeds (trademark not needed) would be freely given to farmers along with their diesel fuel allotments to power their state owned tractors.



Well-Known Member
OK, just the cost of production then, no more profits. If it costs $200 to grow an acre of corn then corn is sold to consumers for $200/(the cost to grow an acre of corn). Education is free, so we would just train up as many doctors as needed for our population, say one doctor for every three hundred people... three million doctors. Doctors would be paid enough to buy their share of corn from the farmer. No more damn profits.

The government would be in charge of genetically modifying plants to be more productive, but no patents or profits. The new mirakul seeds (trademark not needed) would be freely given to farmers along with their diesel fuel allotments to power their state owned tractors.

we get it.

you're an old, dumb coot who is still fighting the cold war rather than taking a logical look at how health care is administered most efficiently.

keep your misery to yourself.