The decline in healthcare begins


Well-Known Member
Look at the cost differences in the previous graphs. We have substantially higher system costs with no difference in service compared to other western nations. That's simply profit fit for gods


Active Member
Just to remind you all, IF you don't have health insurance by 2016, you will be fined $695 OR 2.5% of your annual salary. If you make 50k a year in a start-up business and cannot afford Health insurance, BLAM $1,250 fine!

You go to jail if you don`t pay it...

Free country?


Well-Known Member
Just to remind you all, IF you don't have health insurance by 2016, you will be fined $695 OR 2.5% of your annual salary. If you make 50k a year in a start-up business and cannot afford Health insurance, BLAM $1,250 fine!

You go to jail if you don`t pay it...

Free country?
Were again does it say that you will go to jail if you don't pay it?


Well-Known Member
Free country? Why do you and I have to pay for someone else's emergency room visit?


Active Member
Were again does it say that you will go to jail if you don't pay it?

See what happens when you receive a bunch of fines and you don't pay them. What are you talking about, are you thinking about this at all or are you just sold on what someone sold you?

Rrog, wow... Would you rather college kids and elderly people rot and die in the middle of the street. Wow, some people say some really stupid fucking garbage. Just move to Nazi Germany where you belong.


Well-Known Member
See what happens when you receive a bunch of fines and you don't pay them. What are you talking about, are you thinking about this at all or are you just sold on what someone sold you?

Rrog, wow... Would you rather college kids and elderly people rot and die in the middle of the street. Wow, some people say some really stupid fucking garbage. Just move to Nazi Germany where you belong.
Oh, you mean like legal fines? That is not what these are, you are not failing to appear, you are not failing to pay a parking ticket.


Well-Known Member
See what happens when you receive a bunch of fines and you don't pay them. What are you talking about, are you thinking about this at all or are you just sold on what someone sold you?

Rrog, wow... Would you rather college kids and elderly people rot and die in the middle of the street. Wow, some people say some really stupid fucking garbage. Just move to Nazi Germany where you belong.
There is no debtor's prison in the United States, we don't go to jail for owing money - not yet anyway. you must be thinking of some other country in some other century.


Active Member
Oh, you mean like legal fines? That is not what these are, you are not failing to appear, you are not failing to pay a parking ticket.

Maybe there is something wrong with you trying to understand something, i`m sorry. People goto jail all the time around here for not paying their fines.

The fee in 2014 and beyond

The fee in 2014 is 1% of your yearly income or $95 per person for the year, whichever is higher. The fee increases every year. In 2016 it is 2.5% of income or $695 per person, whichever is higher.
In 2014 the fee for uninsured children is $47.50 per child. The most a family would have to pay in 2014 is $285.

Rrog, this is what they want - here is where your $800 is going and it will get worse.

Ends lifetime and yearly dollar limits on coverage of essential health benefits


Well-Known Member
Doctors disagree. They say its three things. In order of highest reasons given:

Lawsuits, insurance guidelines, and time to see patient.

The doctors surveyed attributed the pressure to overtreat patients primarily to three factors. Almost half believed that inadequate time allotted to patients led them to order more tests or refer to specialists. More than three-quarters also believed that the fear of being sued or perceived as not doing enough put undue pressure on them to order more. A doctor might, for example, order an unnecessary CT scan for a patient who had only a minor forehead bruise from a fall but a perfect neurologic exam.

Most notably, more than half the doctors believed that the current quality measures and clinical guidelines endorsed by health care experts and insurers as a way to rein in excesses were in fact having the opposite effect. The guidelines might, for example, require that patients with high blood pressure and diabetes have a specific blood test every three months and take high blood pressure medications as soon as their blood pressure exceeds 140. Because insurers are increasingly linking payment to these guidelines, physicians must strictly follow the quality measures to be paid, regardless of the patient's specific situation. Ironically, most of these quality measures are based on, well, more testing and treatments.
As I have stated numerous times. I worked in a medical lab.
They do it for cash flow


Active Member
I don't debate with people that vomit on the podium

You feel ok about paying for the drug addicts who are HIV positive and they are protected with lifetime health care dispite the fact that they don't work? I work hard and I have never gone to the ER in 40 years of life except when I was born. My biggest problem was an ear infection, needless to say, after dealing with the white-coats, I ordered the meds from Canada from now on and saved myself $200. $250 is 40 years... Why should I pay and forced to pay $400 per month of something I`ve never used?

I decline ER assistance. You pay for the drug addicts and HIV / HEP faction and be happy all you want up there on your podium of vomit.


Well-Known Member
Maybe there is something wrong with you trying to understand something, i`m sorry. People goto jail all the time around here for not paying their fines.

Rrog, this is what they want - here is where your $800 is going and it will get worse.
says FEE, a fee is not a fine.