Growing in Japan and laws


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i live in japan and i currently only smoke weed but i was wondering if any of u guys no wat the current are in japan because i am thinking of starting to grow. Also in japan wat ways are there to buy weed and were could i buy it. Also if you have any recomendations on wat kind of seed to buy and any tips or other information u could give me.
Cannabis is prohibited under the Japanese Cannabis Control Act. However, viable cannabis seeds are available in headshop as of June 2005, selling for Y1300-Y2500 (12-23 USD) each. Growing the seeds is illegal and the shops have warnings that the seeds are just curiosity samples and the shop will not answer questions about cultivation. Thats all i could find. Peace
Oh nice dude thanks for the information if u get anymore just let me kno. but what kind of seeds do you recomend and what suggestions do u give me for growing and making into weed
Hey i'm regurgitating this topic because I'm stuck in Japan and need teh weed bad :(

I'm in fukuoka... can anyone help? It would be greatly appreciated, I don't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes... and maybe it sounds weird but I need something to relax as I've been studying night and day since I've been here... well.. any help would extremely appreciated.:cry:
Well what exactly as far as info are you asking about??

I mean the laws most every where in the world prohibit cannabis production, so what do you want to know?
Thirty years later Japan still pursues an intolerant policy on marijuana. Remember Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney and Nagano olympic gold medal winner Ross Rebagliati? Anyone caught with marijuana in Japan is in big trouble. Marijuana use is viewed almost as bad as heroin use is in many western countries. Anyone caught with any amount of marijuana will be arrested. Suspects can be detained for several weeks before they need to be charged with a crime. Evidence obtained through illegal means (such as illegal searches) is routinely admitted in court. Some 98% of all people charged with a crime are convicted by Japanese courts. People go to jail for possessing less than one gram of hemp and they face many social penalties too (loss of job, expulsion from schools, etc.). Theoretically you can go to prison for five years for a single joint. Larger quantities, cultivation or smuggling will lead to prison sentences of up to seven years. Smugglers caught with a few hundred grams to a few kg of cannabis are routinely sent to prison for 3-4 years. Discipline in Japanese prisons is extremely strict and conditions are harsh.
[SIZE=-1]See also:[/SIZE]
Hemp prohibition in Japan

All foreigners caught with marijuana will be deported after having served their sentence, with a life-time ban on returning into the country (even someone as famous as Paul McCartney wasn't re-admitted until 11 years later). Japan has a general policy of refusing entry to all foreigners with a criminal record on controlled substance violations.
I've been searching online for days.. and so I know these things. I am only here for a short time.. and I am very careful, I smoked everyday back in my home country and was never caught (even though it is very much illegal there as well) I guess I'm just asking where in fukuoka someone might sell it.

All the topics I have read about this have someone joining the conversation to remind pepole it is illegal.. to which I answer... DUH. :P

Anyway, I doubt many people from Japan read the forum... I thought I would give it a shot.

Sell What? seeds, and gear to grow? or are looking for a pot dealer?

Im confused sorry.

GG :joint:

Pot dealer :P

Lol.. at the person above me (wtf lol)

Any help would be immensely appreciated.. as in.. you will be a god to me, or perhaps a demi-god if the weed isn't that great.
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WTF is this guy serious???

youve been searching for days on the internet looking for a POT DEALER!!

WTF, OMG that is the craziest thing I have ever heard of...

And your in Japan????
Lol yeah I'm a japanese cop and my beat is the internet :-I

I don't know much Japanese so it's not like I can ask people.. and like some of you have said, it's very illegal, so asking people is not a smart idea. I went to the internet and searched here.. not for weed.. but for people who smoke weed that reside in Japan. So I could ask where I might be able to find it, I think it's actually kind of clever :shrug: .. It's how I've found weed when I travel. I would ask people but.. I don't want a Japanese person running to the cops.. cause they will do that since I'm a foreigner.

What's so dumb about that? I haven't revealed any personal information except teh city I'm staying in...

but like I said, I don't speak much Japanese yet.. so my options are somewhat limited.

Why would say "is this guy serious?" I'm right here talking to you, why refer to me in third person? lol
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Well no offense to you buddy, but as soon as a mod finds this, your banned.

I wish we could help, but legally I cant, and your luck in finding a japenese grower on these pages are slim to none.

Your better off callin a friend at home and hoping that he can mail you some hidden like you wouldnt believe in something....

On a side note, we have a guy here who grows in North Korea???

but yeah.....
Well no offense to you buddy, but as soon as a mod finds this, your banned.

I wish we could help, but legally I cant, and your luck in finding a japenese grower on these pages are slim to none.

Your better off callin a friend at home and hoping that he can mail you some hidden like you wouldnt believe in something....

On a side note, we have a guy here who grows in North Korea???

but yeah.....

erm... the guy who started this thread lives in japan and grows weed in japan, I was responding in this thread because he might see it...

But thanks for the advice about sending it... that is a good idea.

Banned? There are some angry stoners here :P
I am trying to grow, here in Japan. I am very impatient and I only have one seed which has germinated after 3 days (WTF!?!) I don't want to be deported or go to Jail so if I can't keep the smell down when (or rather if) it grows I will eat the freaking thing soil, roots, and even the bucket it is in.
Well look at that, two english speaking people growing in japan...

I am munching on my words, o wait i did say slim to none...

Well cheers fellows, you guys should get to know each other through pm.