My Very First Grow


Well-Known Member
OK... here we go...

i lovingly built my tiny little growroom... i get high real quick so dont need a lot so thought i'd start out real small with a room big enough for 1 maybe 2 plants... it's a small area with a 200w, 13,000 lumens self ballasted, low energy, high output, full spectrum light with a Growstar reflector. It has a fan installed sucking fresh air into the room and a vent allowing bad air to escape... i germinated the seeds successfully a few days ago and last night i planted them in a ph7 soil mixed well with perlite.

They are now in a pot not too heavily watered but moist with a bag over the pot to serve as a kind of propagator environment and they are in the airing cupboard... i've just looked and it looks as though one has started to sprout above soil!!! Chuffed though remaining level-headed...

Only germinated 2 seeds probably cos im a newbie who doesn't real know what he's doing but has read loads and is flying by the seat of his pants!

Gonna keep my eye on the little rascals over the next day or 2 to see if they do actually sprout upwards!

Will keep posted.

Both have sprouted!!!

i guess i'm just a little unsure now has to how long to wait before i put them under light... they are only just above the surface of the soil... about half an inch to an inch but both babies are awake!!!

if anyone can help then great...

if not i may put them under light them later....


p.s. will get pics later
Hi all

Well here's 2 pics of the 2 little shiva sprouted seedlings...

do they look healthy enough to you guys?

I'm still new to this so any feedback helpful...



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Thanks for the response Allmeatnopotato, have a look at the pics and tell me again... a week you reckon?

Anyone else? 2nd opinion?

How long till i cook them?

Hmm, I cooked mine right away, before the plant even unbended to stretch towards the light,it was very productive, my plants are strong, green, and producing leaves like mad.
It's good to hear different opinions... every grow is very different I guess. Hmmmm not sure what to do now! lol

cheers anyway!

I play it safe and wickedgoes for the gusto. do what you want to do, just post your results so we all can learn from them. PEACE!
yeah - thinki may wait 2-3 days then cook em!

can't wait to see what happens!!! hopefully i won't kill the little beggars!

Hi guys, well there has been some progression in growth but i think the leaves are too heavy for the stem thickness as both were leaning over though head was still turned towards light... this is one of them.

I've increased air circulation and took this photo just after watering as you can see water on the leaves.

Any advice on watering is helpful.

Also... do these little guys look healthy to you? I'm a newbie and not sure.

Anyway, thought i'd prop them up and help them along a bit, i'm usre the temperature out in my garage is not helping.

thoughts please...



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it looks like u might be overwatering cuz the dirt looks real wet. try moving the lights closer to get them from streching:peace::joint:
Hi Gunit...

the soil is really wet because as you will notice in my previous message, the picture was take directly after watering...

It's a sad day...

One of them has died... it's official.

The one shown in the previous pic is still alive but I'm not sure how long he's gonna hang in there and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. They have light - they have air, they have water. Temperature isnt great but cross fingers.

The one that died... it's stem looked so feeble and well, drained of goodness that it just wilted over... is there anyway to revive a dying/dead seedling like this or just start again?


less water light closer, water as little as possible until they get bigger. i almost made that mistake but i caught it
Surely if they feel dry they need water? My light is about 2 inches away from the plants and every day that i check the top of the soil is baked up... underneath is damp but not really moist or wet...

i'll dry to adhere to those instructions though - cheers mate!

wait till the soil underneath is almost completely dry before watering again. roots need air as much as they need water. is the light directly above the plants? if so then they shouldnt be turning like that. also are you pH'ing your water? at this stage they dont any nutrients for the first 10 days.
yes the light is now directly above - when i first started i had the two plants and the one that has survived was slightly left of the light even though the light was hanging above - the light was also very close to the plants (2") so i guess that's why it turned slightly...

good thing is i checked it a few hours ago and it wasn't relying on the rafia or the stick to stand up straight... so cross fingers it will now reach upwards

I'll wait now until it's pretty dry before watering....

thanks for the tip

fluorecent should be right on them about 1"away,400,600,1000,(WT)hid,12"-18"-24",a fan to create constant air movement make's the stem sturdy

take a regular plastic straw, cut it to length of stem, just below first set of leaves, just slightly longer. slit the straw all the way from top to bottom.fold it back so it`s open, then place around the stem, slightly pushing down into the medium to hold it. it wont hurt your plant and will expand with the stem