My Very First Grow

...sorry, i mean mogie. You found my journal then eh?

great tip... really? I can have the light that close? GREAT!

That straw idea is wicked!!!


cheers dude

go moogie!, i did not have fan on for my plants first few weeks of veg and needed an idea like that. instead of adjusting sticks THANKS! :joint:
cheers for the tip mogie, well have popped the straw in now... though was good to notice that it's head had picked up and leaves were facing the light anyway...

Am now thinking of installing a switch on the fan so can turn down speed of it... it seems like it's sucking air into the room a wee bit fast and as its a small area i'm growing in i don't want it to cool down too much...

The first one died and second is still alive... so i may go germinate another so it has a little friend... :-)

im using fluros for now too, i keep my plant less than an inch away, almost touching. the lights arent strong enough to burn it or anything. itll grow better that way. also make sure when theyre sleeping that they dont get interrupted by any light...:peace::joint:
they dont get interrupted by light at all they are in a concealed grow room between 12 midnight and 6 in the morning covered in a blanket to keep them warm...

my light is now an inch away... will any closer really make a difference?
Hi Sublime... was reading through my journal and noticed something you'd said which i hadn't replied to.

I haven't been pH'ing my water no! Bugger! Should i be? I've just been watering with tap water left to stand for 24 hours.

Something else... i think i may have planted it and got it under the lights a bit too soon however, it has now been under light since the evening of the 22nd, when should i start adding nutrients? Early December? Like around the 2nd or 3rd you reckon?

cheers mate.

yes pH is very very important. its good you let the tap water stand though, this aids in dechlorinization (get the chlorine out). i would wait at least 7-10 days before giving them nutes. then start at 1/4 strength. your plants will let you know what they want.
for soil ive been told ph must be 6.8 to 7 .. close to 7 basically
thanks for the tip. I have a ph soil tester kit but i guess there is no way of testing my water with it is there?

basically the soil tester kit came with a few test tubes... you place a small amount of soil then add a little white powder, then add a few drops of something else! (I'm good aren't i?) lol and shake and leave to settle for ten minutes... this tells you the ph of the soil... i'm sure you know all this.

Can i do the same thing and use the water instead of the soil or do i need to go and spend even more money on a water ph tester?

cheers for the halp

hey im flattered though im not sure im the best person to follow. I've been successful in germination but in terms of getting my little babies to grow i've not progressed that far yet... i did take some pics but then deleted them as they weren't that far advanced from the previous ones shown here in my journal...i mean to be fair, they have only been under lights for 5 days... there are four actual leaves now, the 2 new ones are tiny though and not really worth a picture at the moment...

I'm hoping that some of what's in my journal has been of help though!


p.s. will get some new pics as soon as they look worthy!
Hi ppl,

Well have started the germination of a new seed as my one plant needs a friend. It's between moist kitchen towel and in the airing cupboard at about 21° which worked perfectly for the previous seeds...

The seedling pictured earlier has 2 new leaves since the last shot though they are tiny and not worth a photo yet. Not much seems to have happened over the last 48 hours at all really so i'm hoping there will be some noticeable growth this week...

I have made some changes this week. The grow room is a hand built white wooden area in my garage big enough for a plant or two. A test room if you like. It had a fan sucking air in (from the garage) and a vent to let bad air get pushed out.

I have attached a duct now so that fresh air from outside is being sucked into the room and based on advice the light is now about an inch away from the seedling. I'm wondering now whether I should have got a stronger growlight, however, affordability is always what it comes down to.

Also, have insulated it slightly better and temperature has raised about 5° so is now a relatively constant 72° with lights on... I'm not sure what it is with lights off at night but it does get cold here... to anyone who's read this far... could this be a problem if drops too much?

There hasn't been much growth as I said. I've not been pH'ing my water and i'm in a colder climate so conditions are difficult.

Anyhow, let's remain optimistic huh... I have he makings of a small plant out there and well... I have to say it... I love her (optimism rules).
27th November and my new seed has germinated successfully. The root was just over 2cm long when i uncovered it this evening so it's grown all of that since the previous evening.

i have planted it in well watered soil this evening and it is back in the airing cupboard. According to instructions I'm now going to keep it in the airing cupboard until it sprouts and grows to about 10cm high before putting under lights. This is what it says on the seed packet. I'd be interested to hear peoples views on this.

I think my first two were put under light too soon. One has already died and the 2nd's first leaves (those first new leaves called cotyle... oh i don't know...) anyway, looks like those are dying... but the proper leaves are hanging in there though they've hardly grown at all over the last few days/// anyone know what's happening here?

Any feedback greatly appreciated!
Well as you can see Mogie I took your advice with the straw thing as the stem of my seedling is pretty pathetic.

As you can see the first leaves have died and dropped off, these are those little starter leaves and not the proper leaves.

Does she look healthy enough to you guys at this stage? She's only been under light for 8 days and I have a feeling i may have replanted her too deep, i did this to help keep her stem rigid and upright at the early stages.

Anyway as you can see apart from the two main leaves that have developed a little, there are two more tiny ones too... these haven't grown much over the past three days so is this normal?

Additionally I noticed tonight that the very tip of the two larger leaves has a very slight yellow discolouration... any ideas? I've only been waterin when she's almost completely dry...

I bought a bag of vermiculite tonight to mix with my soil... it has perlite and high in nitrogen but no vermiculite... will this help?

Please answer all questions if you can guys - I need help here!!! And i'm desperate not to kill this one...

No movement yet form my new seedling. She's in the airing cupboard. Is she ok in darkness?

HELP ME OB1 K'Mogie, you're my only hope. :-)