150 HPS Cabinet Single Plant


Well-Known Member
Grow setup on the cheap. Cabinet was a freebie its 16"x22"x6' . I picked up the 150 HPS off craigs for $50. $13 for the bathroom exhaust fan. All the other odds and ends, hooks, chains, mylar, tape etc put me at a grand total of $138 which included a well established 91 chemdawg x purple diesel clone. I topped it right away and it will get one more before i flower it. probably going to veg a month more.


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Nice setup. I'm stoked to see what will come of this grow in the next few weeks.

Something you wanna keep in mind for future growing is those bins you buy sometimes have chemicals on them to treat the plastic. You wanna wash those off before you put soil in them. :)
Im using some $5 soil from walmart at a ratio of 50% to 25% perlite and 25% sphagnum moss. I've added 5 TBSP of both bone and blood meal for the 5 gallon tub. Other than adding superthrive to my water I wont be adding any additional ferts. I also use a sort of layering method in my soil, the bottom half of the bucket has a higher mix of bone meal and the top half has the blood meal. Its like doing a fert change in hydro kinda, as the roots grow into the lower part of the container it will feed on the mix geared to flowering. I'll post more pics as they develop.
I added a little home made CO2, you can see the hose near the base of the plant. about 12" tall now. Ive only had it a few days.

I had a friend offer me some seeds from another friend of his. He doesn't see the guy much and has no idea what they are. He only said its a guy that's been growing for 20 years. There was a tiny speck of bud in the seed I crushed between my fingers and it smelled skunk as fuck. Actually reminded me of shit I smoked 20 years ago. So I'm kinda looking forward to growing these mystery seeds
I fim'd the top twice 7 days apart. Still cant figure out how many tops ill end up with. No more cutting, just veg time now. I'm either going 2 more weeks, or till the plants 2' tall... havent decided yet. Anxious for it to start filling out now. Its a bitter sweet kind of thing when you fim, cuz you're stopping the growing process a bit but the outcome is worth the little extra time.
hey bro looks sweet man im subed just to see how this turns out in the end be good to see what you get :)
Thanks for the comment! Random thoughts... I'm watering every other day currently. I use a moisture meter and I think they are important for checking the deep soil. You can use a chop stick as a good moisture meter! stab it in the soil and you can see on the stick what shape the soil is in. Kind of like checking a cake with a toothpick! My tub has drainage but my goal is to thoroughly wet the soil without having any runoff. I think runoff = lost nutes. Its also important to make sure the soil is moist throughout, the roots will thoroughly travel to all parts of the tub. You can water right around the plant but its not going to promote the vigorous root growth if you dont get it all over. I'm kind of rambling, thats all for now! :)
More notes, I watered with superthrive for the first week. 1/4tsp per gallon. Although I said I wasnt going to add any more ferts I lied, I bought some pure blend grow and FF big bloom.
Day 10 First watering with the Pure blend, 1 tsp into a quart. Took a couple pics with a camera other than the cell phone.
I need the plant to finish around 30" or so. I think Im going to flower it at 20" I dont know how much stretch this plant will get but it does look kinda sativa to me. Ill just break branches if it gets too close to the light.

Anyone have experience with this 91 chemdawg x purple diesel?
2 of my fim spots were growing retarded so I gave them a conventional cut. Sorry if I seem to post random shit but this is my only record keeping. I guess I should keep something on the pc or paper eh.
I've decided to flower in 2 more weeks or 20" whichever comes first!
I did a little foliar feeding yesterday with a touch of super thrive and the ff bloom. Straight water no nutes the last 2 waterings. Don't want to get too crazy with it. I don't have a method to follow really, just kinda wing it by how the plant makes me feel... Lol if that makes any sense
errrmmmmm nute plans are like any other.... impossible as there are so many factors ( the soil you use for example)... do what you saying, as your plant knows what it wants when it wants it
Hey supchaca, nice grow bro. About the stretch; if your letting her get to 20'' she's going to get ALOT bigger than 30'' bro that's for damn sure, specially if it has Sativa heavy traits. Sativas tend to me taller than Indicas overall. If you want her to get to 30'' max then I would suggest put her to flower at 15'' or less if not you WILL surpass your max height friend, you can count on that.