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  • Shit it looks perfect. No need to send more pics. Don't fret about the little stuff. This plant grew millions of years on it's own. Good job, looks like maybe 3-4 weeks?

    Peace - AIM
    its fine.. XD!! i have a question about my plant. id post a thread but i dont think its thread worry. well my plant will be 20 days old on the 29th.. and i take pictures with phone seeing that with flash there is white stuff on it.. not looking like powdery mildew. but semi crystal. dont think its crystal since its so small. but i think i can send pic on here.
    I can't figure this visitor message thing out. Don't even know if you are getting these messages.
    just wondering about ur use of mg. my plants about about 3 weeks old from sprouting,. first time growing, and wondering if u use liquid mg or the pellet and let it sit in the water thx a lot, and by regular with it level of ferts.
    Thanks for your reply to my question, but I already know about hardening off. What I want to know is: can going from 24 hours light inside to about 15 hours light outside after hardening off cause any problems with my plants? I would really appreciate a reply. Can you help me out?
    Thanks for the response. I will work on getting my post count up to be able to pm. I will get pics up on that thread PH issues, no solution... I know not seeing the plants is making it hard. The damage is really not that bad considering I pulled off all the yellowed and damaged leaves. I talked to my local hydro shop and he told me to defoliate in large the plants cause they were too full.
    I also have another question, I started tht MK plant off under 24/0. When should I begin a regular 18/6 or am I too late
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