Recent content by Boomer2010

  1. B

    Have my plants gone hermie? Do I kill them?

    If they look same as pics on this thread then you have nothing to worry about male parts are rounder and slightly yellow. They are balls rather than tear shaped.
  2. B

    Help !

    Pollen sacks usually develope from about 10 days from my experience. But it does not necessarily mean you are not going to get nothing from it. Check the plant from top to bottom. Always start from top when checking for male parts, that way you can try to limit the damage of pollen flying all...
  3. B

    Need help fast

    Need pics if possible mate.
  4. B

    I have a problem with little white nats?

    You really need to find out what gnats these are. If they are white then they are not fungus gnat. They could be white flies which I think can do damage to a crop. You also have to think of their young, eggs, larvae. If you could get a pic it will help.
  5. B

    Soil versus hydroponic rocks

    I do not no anyone that started growing g in hydro. It is just too complex for first time grow, understanding ec, ph, ppm and everything else that comes along g with it. And as mentioned early, you have no room for error, one luck up and you lose your crop or you have decrease in your yield at...
  6. B

    upper leaves curling up crispy, bottom leaves curling down tips going yellow

    I would not have thought a 150 cfl 3inches from top would cause heat stress, they produce very little heat. I have my 250 cfl as close as I can get it without touching and have never had these problems. It may just be the fact the pot is too small. Like was mentioned before just repot.
  7. B

    Leaf Discoloration - Help Me Pick A Culprit

    It could just be a reaction to the low ph. Although it was only for a short time, because you are in dwc, you see the affects pretty quick. Is it just on the one leaf? Keep eye on it and if it starts to spread/increase, then you can look at something else. If it doesn't get worse, ph reaction.
  8. B

    Can't solve Powdery Mildew after week 4 of bloom. Need advice

    These posts are NOT just for the person who started the thread, but for EVERYONE one this forum.
  9. B

    Can't solve Powdery Mildew after week 4 of bloom. Need advice

    My posts are for future reference. Things that people people have not mentioned or points that I believe are important and should be emphasised. It is for other people aswell as the person who started the thread. For future reference. Your not going to bleach your walls when your plants are in...
  10. B

    question about mould

    It sounds like bud rot to me. But pics would help.It depends on how you have cut and disposed of the affected bud. You need to cut well below the lowest affected point on the bud. Place a bag over the bud before cutting to limit the amount of spores flying all over your room. Any bud that has...
  11. B

    White on grodan cube! Mold?

    Cut little squares of the black and white Mylar and place them on the top of the blocks, works a treat. It will keep them in perfect condition and you can re use them over and over. Its a little trick I have used for years
  12. B

    LST on autos?????

    Can I do LST on automatics? If so, how and when would I start to do it. Will it improve the yield? I have just started 7 autos. I normally grow the normal(indica/sativa) strains from cuttings and you can bend, twist and do alsorts of shite to those bitches to get a bigger yield and better...
  13. B

    Dying Plants

    Yeah pic would be good. I have had this happen to me, it does not necessarily mean they are fucked. Mine looked like they had been in the Sahara desert for two months lol wish I had took a picture now to show everyone. I banged some water in em and was surprised how well they came back.
  14. B

    someone diagnosis this problem for me...

    Yeah I would normally have asked that but his soil ph is at 7.5 so I think that is his main priority atm. He is obviously new to this ( he did not even know how to lower ph,no offense slr83) and I didn't want to confuse him too much. If we throw to much at him he would probably kill the plant...
  15. B

    someone diagnosis this problem for me...

    I assume you are only testing the ph of the soil and not the water. You need to test the ph of the water you are feeding the plant. Get a ph testing kit. Also very cheap. This is an essential part of growing. Your grow shop can help you, just ask for ph down and a ph test kit.