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  • I have had my grow outside all along but I'm afraid Im going to need to move it inside bc it's going to get WAY too cold for them to live outside before they are ready!!! This is my first ever can anyone please tell me how many lights I might need to have for this many plants?? I have a tent and going to put them in the basement.....just need to know what lighting and how much!!
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    Reactions: Nizza
    what size tent, and some pictures of the plants will help out for people to try and recommend a solution
    Is it ok to leave my plants outside at night when the temp if 54 degrees??
    They have been out since shortly after germination. I have them fairly secure out there.... well protected from tipping over. I also am starting to worry about how much rain is too much now that the bus are much thicker? Should I put them under am umbrella.... which i can do....... or are they fine as long as they are safe in the winds?
    Your plant should be fine if it's been outdoors, but with the heavy/frequent rain I would put some makeshift shelter up to at least protect from the rain. You can try a leaf blower to dry some of that water up if need be.. or an industrial fan pointed at it from a good enough distance.
    Thank you
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