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  • Okay, so im totaly new to this growing thing. My two plants are a little over 4 weeks old and are a very dark green color. The lower two leaves on them however are not, they're a lime green with white spots and brow tips. i didnt have enough money for expensive lights so they are under 3, 100w fluoroscents about 5-6 inches away from the plants. i water them almost 1 to 2 times a day because the wate seems to dry up very quick. At first i thought i was overwater so i stopped and did it once every other day but then they started to droop so i went back to my normal watering pattern. I use tap water and premium potting soil with some added ferts. the temp is around 77- 83. i dont know how to stop the discoloring of the leaves!!! i have some pics, please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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