Heath Robinson
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  • hiya pal your work is inspiring i have been reading and trying to understand your methods for a long time , and trying to track you down years, allways being about a year behind you when you are actually active on a forum, i received a phone call thiss morning from my friend going exstatic saying he had stumbled across a forum and seen that you where active (as he knows how much i have been trying to catch up with you) add me as a friend .. could do with a hand
    Hi thanks for all your comments, im not as active on the forums lately so forgive me for not replying to you all : )

    Cassinfo, Reeves the Black rose V3 and Chiesel are available at high life seeds : )

    more info at bestseedbank.com
    Hi awesome grower. I know your probably not here anymore. I was just inquiring about your black rose strain. Any chance of this seed going commercial? Thanks bud. Your grows are inspiring.
    K, sorry about the spaz there! I feel I need to get your attention cuz I stumbled across you on YouTube, and found you have a system similar to mine, and noticed you have done all the things I thought I was the only one! But I'm a broke ass and can't turn my best dreams into reality. So add me as a friend if I didn't freak you out, and I'd really enjoy exchanging thoughts!
    hi heath, just a quik few questions that i cant find on ya threads.
    1. do you keep your dwc water level under the net pot for the whole grow or drop level as roots get bigger??
    2. did you do any pruning on the critical mass?
    3. any chance you could have a look at my thread and give me any tips or advice etc..??
    thanks alot for ya time.
    by the way your plants are the dogs bollocks !!!!!!!!!! :):)
    Hi there Mate,, u still work with the Black Rose, or might point me to it.. really looks good bro and great reports !
    Hi Heath. Quick Q about your mini vert..... How did you get away with having the bulb so close to the plants? I would have thought it would have burnt/scorched them. Thanks!
    hey heath i have a fewe very conserning questions i would love to ask u ... umm i dont know how u would like to do this i have skype msn and other messengers ... i would greatly value 30 minutes of ur time sumtime if u have it to spare
    Hello there! Truly amazing broseph... truly amazing.

    I have a question... What was the space in-between the 4'' vert system... it looks like its 3''-4'' in-between the each level.

    Thank you for opening my eyes!
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