Recent content by heath2019

  1. H

    largest bust in la county history

    If yall knew the reason pot is illegal then you would be pissed for all the B.S. they are trying the country to show proof to legalize. It's crazy and hypocritical
  2. H

    10x10x7. Is 2000 true watts enough ?

    There's a you tube on the lighting issue and this guy teaches at a college. He is way over my head but he does break it down so you can calculate your light curve. Have to search it but it's a good vid. Good luck and you might want to use a dimmer just in case
  3. H

    Co2 and vpd?

    I use co2 bag and use VPD from Have the prettiest health plants. Also the website has a calculation for your nutrient mix. Very helpful site and this is my first time growing. DWC and looks to yield about 30 oz. Gonna try this water curing also. Saw that on another website and it...
  4. H

    AK47, Auto Feminized & Feminized

    I'm cooking some now and it seems that it might be a lil longer than 60 days to harvest but the yield is awesome with CO2. Just keep the PH at about 5.8 and use good air change. I hope to get about 20oz+ on 1 plant. Sweet plant and change the water out every week with a new batch to match the...
  5. H

    New LED light. How high from plants?

    What size tent you got and have you considered hydro ???
  6. H

    New LED light. How high from plants?

    I believe you might want to cut the light back about 50% then build backup to full. The spacing between seedling and clones from light is about 4 feet and 3 feet for veg. Might want to check some sites and get more counsel in numbers.
  7. H

    largest bust in la county history

    I know this is not a direct relation to specific. I remember a guy in N.C. years back that was busted with about 25 lbs of pot. That same night someone broke into the SBI office and stole the evidence. I think it was mafia related given the character of the person who they charged. Back in the...
  8. H

    first time expierence

    It is to keep the water clean and I hope any algae away. I tried about half of the recommended amount and hoping it doesn't harm. My thoughts are like yours if it is good for fish should be ok for plants I hope. I had read some use peroxide and I don't want to go that severe. What I did used...
  9. H

    Is it starting? Is this the moment I've been waiting for?

    Looks nice and healthy. Might want to trim some for ventilation and light. Doing good though .Good luck
  10. H

    first time expierence

    can I use topfin biological cleaner for aquariums in my dwc?