Recent content by JMallgren

  1. JMallgren


    I ordered Runtz feminized seeds from 4 different breeders. I germinated them and finally, selected 10 different mothers, grew them up, and starting taking cuttings when they were ready to be taken. Every single one of them, after two weeks into flower, started showing 2-4 pollin sacs on an...
  2. JMallgren

    Do Fastest Clones End Up Being Best Yielders?

    Thanks for the feedback, I suppose It was kind of a Hail Mary hoping there was something that would substitute for actually taking them through flower to know first hand which ones were worth building my grow around?! At any rate, thanks again, really appreciate you taking the time to reply.
  3. JMallgren

    Do Fastest Clones End Up Being Best Yielders?

    Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the opportunity of flowering any of my mothers. Basically, I started With 10 different Runtz seeds from 2 different sources. I also Have 12 different Tropicana Cookies from 2 different sources and I’m just trying to clone several...
  4. JMallgren

    Do Fastest Clones End Up Being Best Yielders?

    I’m just wondering if anyone has noticed the clones that root the fastest with the most vigorous growth ending up being the best plants come harvest? Is there any correlation or no?
  5. JMallgren

    Hermie Cause & Effect

    Just in case one of them decides to release some pollen it won't get the whole room.
  6. JMallgren

    Hermie Cause & Effect

    Thank you for your reply, I appreciate you taking as much time as you did. Im also happy you said hermies aren't a common issue like they've been for me. Thank god. As far as my environment goes, I havebt Been able to identify any stresses. My rooms are so dark when the lights are off that...
  7. JMallgren

    Hermie Cause & Effect

    Well said and I think Ur correct. I had another grower friend of mine come over and he couldn't believe how much time I was spending in the room and how closely I was Monitoring all of them. He said, man I just Set it and forget it, come back in a month and chop the fuckers down and head...
  8. JMallgren

    Hermie Cause & Effect

    I've been growing for a few years, and unfortunately, I've already had my fair share of hermies, but I have a feeling, hermies are much more prevalent than we all admit, because in the wild, hermies are good; they amount to self preservation and survival of the fittest, which would essentially...
  9. JMallgren

    This is going to sound crazy...

    2 words. Lame. Thank you for taking the time to respond. When you have a plant that has been topped and technique’d to fit a scrog net, with 50 colas or whatever, do you have to feed it anymore to supply all those colas? Is there a ceiling on what could be possible if no limiting factors like...
  10. JMallgren

    This is going to sound crazy...

    Thank you for the support and very well said I might add! Bet you anything he’s from Seattle. Seattle has more haters than anywhere in the world - hands down. Anyway, thanks again. = )
  11. JMallgren

    This is going to sound crazy...

    I’m definitely not a poser, what would I be posing to do? Smoke weed? Obviously I freely Admitted I don’t so your premise is dumb but maybe that’s because you smoke weed? Anyway, there is definitely a perspective I lack Because I don’t smoke which is why I’m on here. I’ve invested tens of...
  12. JMallgren

    This is going to sound crazy...

    Has anyone tried using UVB for trichome production? I think I’m going to add that because it makes sense to me but if anyone has any direct experience, would be cool to hear about it...
  13. JMallgren

    This is going to sound crazy...

    Wow, just 4 plants in that pick? Sweet, so you too them about 7 or 8 times and then LST to achieve the even canopy? Supercropping, clips, etc.?
  14. JMallgren

    This is going to sound crazy...

    Yes. That is exactly it. I’m also growing Duct Tape and they all seem to be pretty good.