Recent content by kwantiko

  1. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    fytocell is pretty new, FYTOCELL, AN INCREASINGLY POPULAR SUBSTRATE Author: J.C.C. Welleman Abstract: Aminoplast-foams have been used for decades as soil improvers all over the world. Over the past five-year introduction period Fytocell, an aminoplast-foam with additional specific...
  2. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    it wont work?
  3. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    bump, anyone think this wont work?
  4. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    well, i dont know. I have a bunch of fytocell a and rockwool floc left over from a flood and drain experiement. I need to fill 81 3 gallon pots. I wanted to go coco, but it seems that much coco is to expensive. so i was thinking, why not mix in some of what i already have?
  5. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    what do you think? would this work? mixxing : rockwool(floc) coco fytocell perlite
  6. K

    using hydroponic nutrients for soil

    reps to you man, thanks
  7. K

    using hydroponic nutrients for soil

    can this be done? specifically gh 3 part. i would love any input
  8. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    do you use all 3 parts?
  9. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    one... last.. bump...
  10. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    bump? 5char
  11. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    Anyone done this? Can it be done? How? I would love any advice. THANKS!
  12. K

    underwatering help

    hello, and thank you for coming to my thread im in about week 5 of flowering blueberry sog flood and drain set up i got lazy for a few days, and found out later my pump was clogged plants went without water for a few days now most of them have droopy leaves, and some have even fallen over...
  13. K

    wtf have ever seen these spider mites do this b4 ?

    i just had them, looked just like that, damn things killed my mothers.
  14. K

    left over water?

    ok, i have like a 5 gallon bucket, it might take a while
  15. K

    left over water?

    what should i do? i have a bunch of water left over fom a bubble hash extraction. i dont think that i used small enough screens, because there is a bunch of oil that has colleceted at top. i hate to waste anything. if anyone knows a way to salvage this stuff, i would love to hear it.