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  • Whats up LoudBlunts, I went to the website you suggested but i'm not getting a response from them. I jus have a few question for you. Did you get any type of guarantee from the company when you ordered? And have you had any probems with your ballast? I tryed to go to my local hydroponic store to get a price match on the 600 watt lumatek, but they said they couldn't do it and the price was too low. So the owner of the store called his distributor and he said the reason why they are selling the lumatek ballast for so low is they are bad ballasts that have a problem with the power cord burning up. That's why a asked about the guarantee, even a company guarantee would be good. just to know i could send it back if it does have any problems. Thanks for all the advice, Rep + ~ Black SS
    I'll have to do that , hopefully my local hydroponic shop will do the same for me. thanks for the info
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