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  • Hi bro, my soil recipe is posted on page one of my thread, check there and get back w/ any questions if you need. They grew so vigorous that I only fed twice during veg, just for the hell of it. I did top dress a couple times with castings(earthworm), the 'crumbles', ironite and sul-pho-mag. Now they've switched to flower so I'm feeding Jack's @ 1/2 strength every other water, and I only water as needed. I kinda let the plants tells me when it's time. The barrels need about 2 gallons of water per day, for the most part they will not allow skipping days.....except for the one on the right in all the photos, that one is every other day, like clockwork. The planting bed is pretty much on a 3 day cycle. A little confusing to keep track of, so I painted up some popsicle sticks as indicators of who is what is..more on that in my thread later.

    Later, and thanks for the props!
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