Recent content by PapaBudz35

  1. PapaBudz35

    PapaBudz, back in the saddle....

    Things are moving along nicely in the tent. I've dropped the lights to help increase temps, which seems to be helping. Lights were set at 24/0 until last night, I set them back to an 18/6 schedule. The last auto showed itself over the weekend, so we are about 1 week in, give or take. Excited for...
  2. PapaBudz35

    PapaBudz, back in the saddle....

    Things are moving along! 3/4 are above soil and open, so I think I'll count this as day 1 for the autos. Been trying to fine tune the setup the last few days and I'm having an issue keeping temps high enough, high enough for LED as I understand anyway. I have the lights running at 100% and my 6"...
  3. PapaBudz35

    Everything MMA Thread

    Definitely excited for tomorrow's fight. I just hope I can make it to the end, gonna be up at like 2a.m. and Paddy doesn't fight until midnight.
  4. PapaBudz35

    PapaBudz, back in the saddle....

    Runtz Muffins has broke soil! Let the games begin!:weed:
  5. PapaBudz35

    Walnut shell, yay or nay?

    Just a little jab to our friends to the west. Something we say when we see those label's because almost everything needs that label to be sold in California. I'm from the No Coast, nothing too special about where I'm from.
  6. PapaBudz35

    Compost Tea recipes.

    Love me some Boogie.
  7. PapaBudz35

    Walnut shell, yay or nay?

    That's for purpose of sale in Commiefornia. Everything causes cancer to them.
  8. PapaBudz35

    Walnut shell, yay or nay?

    Isn't that only for black walnut?
  9. PapaBudz35

    PapaBudz, back in the saddle....

    Thanks bud! I helped my wifes boss hang his christmas lights the other day, and he asked if i had any use for a cooler. I said no until I saw it, and thought hey, that's perfect for brewing up some tea's! Even a spout at the bottom to drain.
  10. PapaBudz35

    Walnut shell, yay or nay?

    Does anyone use, or have any knowledge of using walnut shells in their soil mix? I would imagine it's porosity would be a benefit. I have a few boxes lying around I use for tumbling brass cases for reloading, and am wondering if a few cups in each pot next go around might be something to try...
  11. PapaBudz35

    PapaBudz, back in the saddle....

    Last auto has popped, and is in the same soil mix as the rest. Waiting on a couple of cords so I can control timing and intensity, but it will work just fine for now.
  12. PapaBudz35

    PapaBudz, back in the saddle....

    Well, 3 out of 4 seeds were popped and ready for soil this morning. Just waiting for 1 more auto to show a tail, and into the dirt she goes. For the autos I mixed together FFOF and the Purple cow at riughly 50/50, and added ½ cup of some organic autoflower blend from Natures Living Soil, some...
  13. PapaBudz35

    PapaBudz, back in the saddle....

    Seeds have finally arrived. Along with an order from Boogie Brew. 1 seed in the order was crushed, fitting that it's Kongs Krush, but it was a freebie and they sent an extra in my runtz pack, so I'll call it even. 3 of the auto's and the runtz muffins are currently sitting in a wet paper towel...